We have experienced throughout the country that nothing was spared by the time of judgment, which held Hungary captive for days: the storm also reached the National Gallery.

Due to the violent storms of the past few days, the building of the Budavári Palace, which also houses the Hungarian National Gallery, was soaked, but contrary to previous press reports, the artefacts were not damaged in any way, the institution confirmed to Infostart.

The Gallery was moved to the former Royal Palace building in the mid-1970s, in spaces designed according to the technological standards of the time.

Due to the technical condition of the building, it takes time to reveal the exact causes of the waterlogging, so the exhibitions will be temporarily closed, probably until the second half of the week.

The management of the institution points out that the construction of the New National Gallery building in the Városliget, on the site of the former Petőfi Hall, within the framework of the Liget Project, is also necessary for the completely safe operation of the National Gallery.

Hungarian Nation