The Regejáró Enlaka Days are organized for the sixth time on September 1–3. between. The three-day event is deliberately not called a festival or an event, but rather a meeting. spoke with Mika Heinczinger, a founding member of the Mistrál group and one of the main organizers of this meeting

It is already the sixth year that we have met in Enlaka on the first weekend of September. The Regejáró Énlaka Days have become a tradition in the small village of Székely. Mika Heinczinger, a founding member of the Hungarian band Mistrál, bought a house there a few years ago and immediately felt that this neighborhood should not be left hidden: not only should life be livened up in Enlaka, but people should also get to know this place, where only old houses can be found , moreover, arranged as the ancient villages were.

"This village is a jewel box. Not only the jewel box of Székelyföld, but of the entire Carpathian Basin. There is a power here in the earth, the like of which I have not seen anywhere else"

he said.

Let's meet at Enlaka!

Mika recalls that, at the very moment the idea was born, he found supporters and helpers in the village community. Their goal was to create relationships between those present and those who visit, which would strengthen people in the fact that we can count on each other.

"You don't see a person here who doesn't smile. You don't see a person who is not happy that you are here"

says Mika.

Being together and paying attention to each other is what attracts those who have already experienced it year after year. As Mika tells,

every performance, concert, and program is selected in such a way that those present can feel that our Hungarianness and our Székelyness, wherever we come from, are connected in our common culture, our songs, our stories, and our church pictures.

There will be a book launch, exhibition, writer-reader meeting, drumming, sound bath, shadow theater, and several concerts: Keleti Szél ensemble, Sajba, BRVLG and, of course, the unmissable Mistrál party on Saturday evening.

Mika Heintzinger

Mika Heinczinger / Photo: Máté Török/

"Everything the soul needs is here"

As he said, it is always moving for him how many people come, and he can see that everyone gets something from this meeting.

"Nothing else is needed here, only the Creator and Each Other"

- said Mika, who also told us that the village community feels the Regejáró Énlaka Days are so much theirs that every year the women bake and spread greasy bread to entertain the visitors.

"The village adds what only it can, which also shows how much power there is in such a small community. The goal is common, everyone is looking in the same direction, and thus it is possible to create. This is how we are truly capable of miracles"

he brushed.

As every year, this year too there will be a stall fair, where vendors will come and offer their own products: handmade jewelry, jams, syrups, honey, and many other things await customers. The organizers ask that those who are able to bring plates, cutlery, and glasses with them, so that we do not produce too much waste during the event.

All programs of the meeting are free, but donations are welcome, which will be used for the benefit of the village community again this year.

When asked by who he would recommend this meeting to, Mika replied that it is for everyone who wants to relax, quiet down, feel, think, and then have a huge party. He is grateful to the Creator, family, friends, and of course the entire Énlaka community for helping to create this possibility year after year.

The detailed program of the Regejáró Énlaka Days on the Facebook page of the event . Everyone is warmly welcomed.

– from the portal

Cover photo: Facebook