What would an eagle hunter from Altai say if a gender activist knocked on his door? Why was Zelenskiy's visit to Berezhsas timely? And when will normal people finally rebel against Satan? Zsolt Bayer talks about "beautiful European" values ​​and earth-bound eternity. Interview.

He spent more than a month in Mongolia, where a documentary series was filmed, covering eight thousand kilometers. He also writes a series of essays about his experiences in Magyar Nemzet, in which he contrasts the world of zombies in the big city with the uncorrupted one there. Literary exaggeration?

I would like to say that it is a literary exaggeration, but unfortunately it is not. Rural Mongolia is another world, the one we once lived in and the one we could be. Let me tell you a story about the Nádam festival so they understand. The latter is not an ancient tradition, as it has only been celebrated since Genghis Khan. Sports competitions are held all over the country, there are three numbers: horse riding, Mongolian wrestling and archery. Well, this is organized in every settlement where there are three yurts. We visited such a yurt village, seventy people took part in the horse race, children between the ages of 5 and 15! They rode the horse by the hair, without a saddle, most of them with bare feet. They started by all gathering at the finish line, holding each other and starting to trot their horses around while muttering something all the time. I asked Tulga, our leader, what are they doing right now? To this he said, “What? No way! They are praying!”

After that, they trotted to the starting line - the distance is ten kilometers - and began a hard, bloody horse race. A five or six year old boy won it! And Jóisten is a great director, because that evening I received a message from Pest that "watch this, you won't believe it". I open the link, didn't I see the photo sequences of the Finnish hobby riding championship? Imagine going through a horse race like this, and then in the evening watching the local Cretans in Finland ride an artificial horse head on a broom handle and jump over knee-high hurdles. Crazy crowd, scoring, and a champion is crowned. Do I need to say something else, Ildikó, about the difference between East and West?

We could be more understanding, maybe they just suffer from equinophobia!

Of course, but this sums up today's Western values, because the whole West is about applauding all the stupid. We applaud someone who is stupid and doesn't know anything and make him a champion. In the East, realism is prized. Too much prosperity necessarily degenerates a person, it is no wonder that the UN has already started dealing with the Mongolian horse race, they want to ban even small children from competing. Do you understand?

It's been a tradition since Genghis, but the enlightened West is coming and wants to ban it... let's just say I'm not surprised by all this, because in Ulaanbaatar, opposite the main entrance of the oldest Buddhist monastery, we found the headquarters of the Open Society Foundations, the local Soros Foundation! Unfortunately, we couldn't go in because it was closed because of Nádam, although I would have liked to have asked them what the hell they were doing here. It is sixteen times the size of our country, it has two and a half million inhabitants, half of the people live in rural areas. What does Soros want there, what do they want to change in this society?

I think it is their sacred "otherness", their respect for tradition. Would rural Mongolians be receptive to this?

We went to the Altai to interview a Kazakh eagle hunter who lives somewhere at 3,500 meters on the Sino-Russian-Kazakh border and hunts wolves with an eagle. You have to imagine a two-meter-tall man living in the mountains with many children and countless animals. I would like to see a gender activist knock on their door; maybe that particular eagle would take off. It's a different world, 90 percent of rural Mongolians are nomadic herders, 77 million animals - sheep, goats, horses, camels, cattle - live in that country. Once at a stupa, in the middle of nowhere, we stumbled upon a little guy on a horse who was leading his herd home. You could see that at the age of six or seven he was already a grown man doing his job. He looked at us with a piercing, inquisitive look, and as he rode off into the twilight, I thought that we probably knew nothing of what he knew, and he knew very little of what we did. But is this guy living a happier life, or one of his American or Western European peers who is currently taking hormones and waiting for gender reassignment surgery? I wouldn't dare to judge as a Good God, but I would bet that the Mongolian guy lives a happier and more beautiful life.

We can no longer move into yurts or herd animals, but still, what can we learn from this world?

That there is no human future without a definite identity and tradition. And the West is eliminating this and offering instead what Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called pagan hedonism on Tusványos.

Psalm Bayer

Photo: Demokrata/Tibor Vermes

What do you think about the fact that more and more guest workers from the Far East, including Mongolians, are coming to our country? Many people create an atmosphere against them in the press.

I await them with open arms! Because, for example, the Mongolians, but also the others, that is, the Filipinos or the Vietnamese, come here to work, not to live on welfare and put a bomb under our chair.

Let's go back to Europe! In an interview with HVG, Ukrainian presidential adviser Podoljak said that "Hungary knows nothing about common European values", and we would do well to leave the EU, because we have the biggest corruption anyway. You also tend to be polarizing on this topic, don't you think this is just as counterproductive?

I am deeply convinced that the Ukrainian president is a puppet of the Americans, and obviously his entire entourage is as well. They teach the usual lesson that is appropriate and obligatory to teach about Hungary, for example, that we do not know European values. Which ones?

I would like to live one day in such a way that we sit down at a large table and Mr. and Mrs. European Values ​​come and finally tell the ignorant, stupid, down-to-earth Hungarians that these are European values!

God, home, family?

Slightly more extreme, such as gender, LGBTQ fandom, no children, free abortion, let's forget national borders, there is no nation - except of course the Ukrainian one - there is only internationalism, climate emergency, rule of law. I would like to ask who decided this and when, because I remember something completely different. When we longed for the West, the value horizon was still dominated by a strong nation-state, the mineral-rich East Germany, the omnipotence of capital, the sanctity of the market, the majesty of man and woman, the family, and the nimbus of the army. When did these change?

Of course, anyone who refuses to lie down and spread their legs will get it right away - even the pro-Ukrainian Poles! – that he's a bitch.

But isn't it absurd for the Germans to explain to me that I'm not European, who shut down their nuclear power plants from Monday to Tuesday, then imported French nuclear energy, and finally opened new brownstone coal mines, because energy still needs to be produced from something? Would this be Europeanness?

Other: we Hungarians have been ashamed of World War II for 80 years. for our World War affairs, and we cannot release Miklós Horthy from quarantine - even though he still saved the Jews of Budapest - on the other hand, the genocidal Stepan Bandera and his companions and the Ukrainians are great faces. They don't talk much about the fact that II. numerus clausus also existed in the better universities of the United States , in Hungarian, the number of Jewish students was limited. We don't talk about that, why, only ours was an ugly thing!

Speaking of which, what about Zelensky's lightning visit to Berezhda? Why was the Telex waiting for him there?

For security reasons, the president's trip was kept secret until his arrival, but they told Telex anyway. Where is the Telex connected? The AMCs and the CIA must have known about the visit - and the Telex... By the way, it is very right that Zelenskiy, approaching the second year of the war, goes there and thanks the Transcarpathian Hungarians for deigning to die on the front and to endure in the hinterland everything that they must endure; that they deserve to be loyal citizens of a country that tramples their rights underfoot. It was about time for President Zelensky to thank them for this.

Too bad he didn't promise not to abolish their mother tongue education.

Do you still not understand that the abolition of mother-tongue education is the new European value?

No matter how I look at it, the ones just listed are anti-values. Will Europe ever be able to create value and myth again?

They did not succeed in creating a new myth, because new myths can only be "manufactured" from things that arise from the spirit of an entire people, meet the world of thought, traditions, identity, hero cult, and folklore of a people or nation, so they have a connection with normal human life in some way. The West cannot create new myths out of nothing, while it is convinced that it is the most mythical place on earth.

All of these "myths"—from BLM to the woke ideology—are nothing more than stinking cesspools, concocted by a self-surviving and rotting culture and civilization that is violently eradicating its true traditions.

And if, for some unexpected reason, there will still be a generation, and in a few hundred years the young people will learn that the XXI. how the Western world was destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century, then the case of the Church of the Holy One in Nuremberg will be at least a footnote in the history books. On the fence of this church, an exhibition of pornographic images was organized. The title of the "exhibition" is "Jesus Loves". Well, if not... And let me not go into detail about what is happening in those disgusting, disgusting pictures. So how does a culture collapse, disappear? Like this. This is one of the most perfect symbols.

Meanwhile, the AfD is gaining strength in Germany. Do you still believe in the long-awaited European national revolution?

I am an optimist because I trust that normality cannot be bracketed until the end of time. I think normal human thinking and natural instincts will rebel, because you can't live like this. As I think about this, I am reminded of Bergman's film Snake's Egg, because it eloquently expresses where the desecration of a people's culture leads. Because, how did they get to the point where ten millions in Thomas Mann's country deified an Austrian chaplain? The cabaret scene of The Snake's Egg contains the answer. Many things can be done to a nation, but its most sacred feelings and traditions cannot be defamed with impunity. And while I hope that normality and all healthy instincts will revolt, I also fear that Bergman's parable will become a reality again, and the pendulum will swing back to another horror.

He often criticizes the Western world, but he once admired it. Don't you feel a contradiction in that?

In the 1970s and 1980s, the West built the greatest, most livable, most wonderful world in the entire human history. France, Switzerland, Germany. We wanted to go there because there was democracy, prosperity, freedom, and purity. Why did it have to be destroyed? Why wasn't that western life good? Am I right, and prosperity necessarily makes everyone stupid, or is there an elaborate master plan to replace Europe and leach the white man out of it? I do not know. But if we assume the unimaginable to be true, i.e. that this is part of a conscious plan, then I absolutely do not understand: for whom and why is it good?

And of course they are surprised that the number of German pensioners in our country has increased by 25 percent; a Spanish newspaper wrote, "the Hungarian Balaton is the new Mecca of right-wing German pensioners", because there are no migrants here, they feel safe and they make a great living from their German pension. But to give a personal experience: I met a young Canadian military officer who is spending a few months here, learning Hungarian, because he wants to settle here. I've talked to him a lot and it's creepy when he says he's ashamed to be a Canadian military officer because he swore an oath to his country, even though there's almost no such thing as Canada anymore.


Featured image: Tibor Vermes / Democrat