Gyurcsány's speech evokes a terrifying era, he would redistribute "the common wealth".

On Friday, September 22, Ferenc Gyurcsány gave a speech, which interested parties could also follow on the DK leader's social media page. The husband of the shadow prime minister suggested at the beginning of his speech that we should "deal with reality" and then denounced the real government. The opposition politician said that, in his opinion, "the homeland" no longer takes care of its citizens, and then called on the viewers to "take back the homeland!"

"A Dollar for a Man"

During his speech, the fallen prime minister also revealed that he sees that "instead of a person, a dollar is a vote." Later he also added: in his opinion

it must be said that we redistribute the common income, the common property."

"[…] the homeland will be shared, the decision will be shared, [...] because the country cannot belong to a few!" he brushed.

"I'm used to shopping"

"Those who have more should contribute better," explained the fallen prime minister, who believes that patriotism is not singing patriotic songs. "Patriotic songs do not make patriotic politics," he said. "I'm used to shopping, I also shopped today," Ferenc Gyurcsány explained to his audience at one point in his speech, at the same time pointing out:

 you can't pay for wine with a patriotic song in the shop".

"This does not make him a conservative, but a bugger"

"Today's patriotism is not about how it will be better for us", but about "how it will be better for them", Ferenc Gyurcsány explained, and then he said that we are all part of the created world. "Someone doesn't become a good conservative if they call the head of a county government office chieftain, that doesn't make them a conservative [...] but a bugger," he argued.

The Orbán forint is a weak forint, the Orbán prices are high prices"

– the former prime minister presented his economic analysis, then pointed out that this is not written anywhere in the Old Testament. "The matter is simple: Hungary must be told that there is an alternative to this government," he underlined.

"We do not wish to go to war with this prime minister"

Ferenc Gyurcsány added.

Featured image: Screenshot from the video of Gyurcsány's speech on September 22, 2023