István Lerch's wife broke the silence, it turned out that the musician lives his everyday life.

István Lerch, the songwriter of "Fire Wizard" and "Angel Girl", suffered from several strokes and almost died. István just turned 70, and his wife spoke to Tények .

As it turns out, ever since he disappeared completely, he has been bedridden due to his illness and is rarely heard from. István Lerch suffered a stroke in January 2017 and two more times after that. Since then, for 6 years, we haven't seen the country's best composer anywhere. Due to his illness, his life was on the line several times, he spent 38 months in hospital.

There was also little chance that István would survive at all. There is no perfect cure for this type of illness. We are not talking about weeks or months here, but years. We do not know what and how much fate will give back from the years before the disease

- explained István's wife, Enikő, who takes care of István 24 hours a day.

Enikő said that István's old personality is returning day by day, but the songwriter may never be on stage again. The wife revealed that on weekdays part of the day is spent in physiotherapy, and on weekends they receive guests or watch movies and concerts.

He really likes to listen and enjoys it as much as before

Enikő added.

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