The authorities did not allow the demonstration next to Hamas, announced for Friday, and those who do demonstrate can count on sanctions.

In Hungary, it is not possible to demonstrate in support of a terrorist organization; the Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK) banned the holding of the meeting announced for Friday in the capital, reported.

According to the announcement of the BRFK, a private person announced that in connection with the armed struggle between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas, on Friday Budapest II. wants to hold a meeting in his district, at the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The rally is in line with the call of Hamas, which on this day is calling on its followers to "show anger" all over the world - read the police statement, which highlights: the BRFK prohibited the holding of the rally based on the 2018 law on the right of assembly, because it directly would endanger public safety and public order.

The BRFK drew attention to the fact that participation in a prohibited assembly entails a sanction. , "a rally was also announced for Saturday in Budapest, but in Hungary it is not possible to demonstrate in support of a terrorist organization."

"Stand up for Gaza and its brave people!" - reads a flyer of a pro-Palestinian organization, which invites to the demonstration announced for Friday afternoon.



It is known that since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli war, Palestinian groups have been organizing demonstrations throughout Europe, but they have not yet demonstrated in Budapest.

The Tett és Védelem Alápítvány issued a statement in which they reminded: after the depraved terrorist attack, beheaded babies, kidnapped children, raped women, desecrated corpses, 1,300 innocent victims slaughtered so far and the unending grief remained.

They added: Hungary has consistently stood up for Hungarian Jewry and the state of Israel in the past decade. In contrast to many Western European countries, where thousands and tens of thousands celebrated and cheered the Palestinian mass murderers, Hungary never had to fear such a thing.

In our opinion, the assembly violates the dignity of Hungarian Jewry as a religious community, since the assembly covertly calls for a stand in favor of a terrorist act, the victims of which became victims for the most part simply because of their Jewish religion, Tett és Védelem wrote.

In the announcement, they ask the Hungarian government and the competent bodies not to allow a movement that violates the dignity of the Jewish communities and seriously endangers their physical safety.

– What should ring the alarm bell here is that there are demonstrations alongside the terrorists all over Europe. They also tried in Hungary, but this cannot be arranged here. We will not give any permission for this - said Viktor Orbán in the Friday morning program of Radio Kossuth. The Prime Minister added: it seems that there are people in Western Europe who approve of such actions.

Viktor Orbán: You have to stand your ground even in times of danger (VIDEO)

After masses of people were previously allowed into Western European countries without inspection, now Hamas proxies are among them, the prime minister pointed out.

"Let's thank God that in 2015 our minds and hearts were there, and we built the fence and the legal barriers with which we were able to keep terrorism away from Hungary," he stated.
Hungarian Nation