Have the Americans let go of Ukraine's hand - and will they stop supporting the war at the same time - or only President Zelensky's? - the question arose in the latest broadcast of 48 minutes - Host: Tamás Lánczi. This time, political scientist Zoltán Kiszelly, director of the Századvég Political Analysis Center, writer and Megafon opinion leader Tamás Kötter, and István Pócza, professional program manager of the Lajos Batthyány Foundation, discussed the most important public events.

As if something had changed in the mainstream Western media regarding Ukraine since August, Tamás Lánczi suggested.

The host of the show based this on the fact that previously it was not possible to hear about the losses in the Ukrainian war in the Western media, but now they are reporting on them, as well as research - for example from the American CNN - that shows that the Americans are less and less supportive of the "Russian Ukrainian, or in other words American-Russian war.”

More recently, you can also hear more and more often that there are more people in America who think that they have already given too much support to the Ukrainians.

"The more analysis we listen to, the more I get the feeling that we, myself included, are like ornithologists who try to guess the future from the flight of birds," said writer Tamás Kötter.

According to him, the phenomena listed by Tamás Lánczi really exist, but at the same time he added that there is another actor in the war, Russia, which may not want to end the fighting.

"Russia has tasted blood, it has tasted the creation of a new world order, and it has absolutely no interest in ending the war"

he said.

Tamás Lánczi, on the other hand, drew attention to the fact that the military goals outlined by Ukraine, that of recapturing all their territories before the war, are being described and stated more and more often in the Western media.

According to István Pócza, it doesn't matter what we mean by "Western media", because the American and European media take completely different positions on this issue.

The show's host responded:

"Europe is like the last Japanese soldier still fighting in the bush. The Americans are backing away from the story nicely, and the European Union would still send weapons - although they don't have any more weapons - and even more money."

According to Pócza, the difference is that while the Americans try to communicate in their press why the breakthrough they financed did not happen, the Europeans want to convince their partners that everything should continue as it has been.

"Perhaps not Ukraine, but Zelensky's hand was released"

- asked Zoltán Kiszelly. The political scientist reminded: in the summer, Zelenskiy banned the peace negotiations in a decree, and the West declared Putin a war criminal in an accusation that cannot be blamed on the Americans. It was child abduction. It also happened with the United States that they started a war without the authorization of the UN, for example in Iraq or Libya.

"From now on, the negotiation has a smaller chance" 

Kiszelly thought.

MTI / hirado.hu

Front page photo: In the photo published by the press office of the President of Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi (j) and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, shake hands in Kyiv on April 8, 2022. Photo: MTI/EPA/Press Office of the President of Ukraine)