We have a treasure, a true democrat, a patriot concerned about the future. His name is Fleck and pronounced Flekk. But not the Flekk that means another typed page for the older people, but the Flekk who shows direction, because he is a sociologist of law. I don't know what it is.

One thing is for sure, this Fleck (also Zoltán, by the way) is a real democrat, not even controversial. He showed his quality even before the 2022 election, when he very democratically and mercilessly presented his position in the event of an upcoming opposition victory. As a jurist, he said it was acceptable, even desirable

if two-thirds of the Ballibs are not authorized, the rule of law must be temporarily repealed.

Who else would suggest this but a lawyer? In addition, he - fortunately no longer - taught at the law faculty of ELTE. He must have explained to his students two types of understanding of the rule of law, namely that the conservative two-thirds does not give the winners the right to anything, while even a close left-liberal victory entitles them to the rule of law. But he wasn't joking, he meant it. Thank God, and the sane majority of Hungarian voters, the catastrophic accident of the left-liberal victory did not occur, so we Christian-conservative mobs are not yet hanging from lampposts and have not been thrown up with pitchforks on the platform of IFA trucks. I'm afraid this Fleck would have also explained why our slaughter would be legal.

This person is also unable to understand that if someone is not against the government, he is not a compromiser, he just has a mind. According to him, the academic colleagues who are about to retire or are already retired

"for alms or peace, instead of freely forming an opinion, they commit suicide".

This is again the assessment of the situation by an unbiased person, who - translated into Hungarian - claimed that anyone who does not profess the ideals of the Bolsheviks and does not join the conservative government can only be a spineless caterpillar.

Fleck statement , is only a tiny step away . He only complained that

why do those pensioners with diminished mental value still have the right to vote?

After all, they can no longer have anything to do with the distant future. He literally said, "Why are we leaving the disaster thirty years from now to the pensioners?"

Well, our friend Fleck, there are a few small problems with your rather blunt statement.

First of all, what kind of democrat wants to take away the right to free speech from any group of people for any reason? Or if it does, why is it stuck with pensioners? Maybe people with glasses could be banned from voting, because their vision is doubtful. Those who have lost their hair, because they must be envious of those who have hair. Those living with some kind of illness, because the drugs disturb them in their objective (and, of course, only supporting left-liberal) decisions. Those who are too short or too tall, because whoever falls out of line must have psychological problems and it cannot be guaranteed that they will be voted for.

In general, the right to vote must be taken away from everyone who does not vote for the Bolshevik side, that is the only way to ensure real democracy. After all, it is well known that there is only democracy when the Ballibs are in power, and under the Christian-conservative leadership, only dictatorship can rage.

Leaving aside the fact that our retired compatriots have already put theirs on the nation's table, and most of them are still doing so, either by continuing to work in addition to a pension, or by helping to solve their children's problems by taking care of, supervising, and even raising their grandchildren. Leaving this aside, there is the other aspect, wisdom. What is based on time and experience, i.e. their decisions are also dictated by their experience during voting. This is, of course, a problem for the leftists, because it is their experience, for example, that on October 23, 2006, their beloved leader incited the policemen who were stripped of themselves and their IDs against his own citizens, shot out eyes, tortured innocent people, shut them up, and lied to him morning and night. evening, and his government led the country to the brink of bankruptcy.

The pensioners remember all this, as well as how that gang treated them, how they raised prices and taxes and took away their 13th monthly pension. It's better if these memebers don't comment.

One more thing. Comrade Fleck fears that in 30 years there will be a disaster. Do they think they are afraid that they will win the election? Not to mention the "smallness" of voting not 30 years in advance, but only 4 or, in the case of local governments, 5 years. In other words, Fleck's foundation makes you limp more than that particular dog that you can quickly catch up with. It is sad that a lawyer (who is also a sociologist) is so unaware of what he himself is talking about.

I started by explaining the meaning of the term fleck, but very incompletely. The word covers more than just a typed page. Its everyday meaning is also: stain or dirt.

You can decide for yourself which Fleck this is.

Author: György Tóth Jr

Cover image: mindaszo.hu

One of Gyurcsány's main ideologues would take away the voting rights of pensioners