The national captain of the Hungarian swimming team was the guest of ATV's Egyenes Beszéd program on Friday night, who said that despite looking for him, the swimmer does not answer his phone.

About the possible return of Katinka Hosszú, Csaba Sós said that our Olympic champion swimmer is far from being a main character.

There is no real possibility that Hosszú will win a medal or even gold at the Paris Olympics. He hasn't been swimming for a year and a half, and his last races also showed a massive downhill career"

he said.

Regarding Kristóf Milák Sós, he said that his situation is particularly painful, since it is the peak of his career. Based on his words, he will no longer be able to make up for the uncompleted training work, i.e. the swimmer will not be able to approach the level that his talent would allow.

Milák owes himself and Hungary enough to finish training. He gets paid for it, don't talk about it!

- he announced, then continued by saying that the swimmer's association, Honvéd, did not withhold Milák's salary.

He could not answer whether Milák had started training again, because according to his words, despite looking for him, the swimmer does not answer his phone.

Featured image: MTI/Tamás Kovács