Valuable relationship-strengthening programs, spiritual practice opportunities, courses, publications can also be included in the "gift list".

Giving a gift is not always easy. We have all struggled with the uncertainty of what to give our loved ones at Christmas. Our holidays have become objectified, even though we should prioritize really important values ​​such as our faith, togetherness, the quality of our relationships, family and friendships. We also often receive useless gifts, or three of the same book, not to mention the lame hoodies and the classic shower gel package.

But instead of these, we can also think about other types of gifts.

We can treat couples and those who want a relationship with a spiritual program and a spiritual exercise, so that they have the opportunity to stop for a while, in a prayerful atmosphere, in community with others, to look at their struggles in finding a partner, the challenges and opportunities of being single.

Our friends who are in a relationship might be happy with a playful but still intimate joint program, newly-acquainted couples with a fun date... People who have been connected for a long time can also enjoy relationship-building and strengthening programs.

With similar opportunities, we can support the relationships, mental health, and self-awareness development of our parents, fathers, mothers, children, children, and friends, as well as great mother-daughter and parent-child programs.

What's more, we can also give ourselves a gift.

Of course, there are also souvenirs with a high ideological value. On December 5, for example, the special volume Christ our future - Pope Francis' apostolic visit to Hungary was published, which presents, among other things, the antecedents of the apostolic visit, the individual phases of the organization, and publishes in its entirety the speeches delivered by Pope Francis during his stay in Hungary, the greetings addressed to him and the testimonies.

At the end of the publication, we can also get a glimpse of the interesting things about the visit. (The book can be ordered at the Új Ember online bookstore or purchased at the Új Ember bookstore: Budapest V. district, Ferenciek tere 7–8. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

You can also find nice gifts in the Christmas book selections of other church and monastic publishers, which can also hold surprises for all ages.

The rosary, available as a soul medicine, is not an ordinary gift either.

The uniqueness of the rosary is given by the packaging, which resembles a medicine box. The box contains a wooden rosary, as well as a "patient information sheet" that explains in detail the purpose of the prayer, how to use it, possible side effects, as well as which prayer and secret to say for each eye. Our faithful friends and family members will surely appreciate this too.

On Saturday, December 9, between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., a unique and useful gift-buying opportunity opens in the FETEkert café on the second floor of Budapest's Fény Street market, where an Advent fair is held on this day with items made in the catchment settlements (food, textiles, wooden goods , jewellery). By purchasing the products, we can not only support their creators, but by giving them as gifts, we also have the opportunity to spread the program. (Most of these products can also be purchased in the Máltai Manufaktúra webshop.)

Generosity is our fundamental Christian value.

Let's also think about those who will spend the holiday in poverty and loneliness. According to our possibilities, let's work together for the children of the backward villages living in deep poverty, for the families living in poverty, for the lonely singles and for our friends who are pushed to the periphery.

We can also make the Christmas holiday of mothers and their children in a crisis situation more beautiful. Lea Otthon, for example, provides pregnant mothers, mothers with babies and abused women with children in a crisis a safe temporary home and multifaceted support to restart their lives independently. Until December 23, we can help mothers and their children have a festive lunch and dinner.

Or until December 15, we can send Christmas packages to children living in the country's most disadvantaged settlements as part of the Hungarian Maltese Charity's Star Spreader campaign, which tries to bring joy to the hearts of children living in extreme poverty during Advent.

The Mécses Charity Service carries out a prison mission activity, during which they open a window on the prison wall primarily through an anonymous mail service, so that we can see the world differently from both sides. We can write a Christmas message, a postcard, a letter or a prayer, and with just one letter we can make the Christmas of prisoners serving their prison sentences, without external contact, left to themselves, more beautiful. (The service also places a HUF 4,000 gift package with the messages.) This promotion also lasts until December 15.

Hungarian Courier

Cover image: The rosary available as a soul medicine is not an ordinary gift either