You can get a Lego building set from Székelykapu, which has recently become a Hungarian museum, if you manage to collect ten thousand votes. A young man born in Transylvania, but currently living in Budapest, took advantage of the possibilities of the Lego Ideas interface to plan, create and register his idea, and if it meets all the criteria, the toy company will distribute the Székelykapu building set.

Anyone can register their own construction set idea on the Lego Ideas interface of the world-renowned construction toy company, and if it meets the regulations and the plan receives a sufficient number of votes, i.e. 10,000 votes, the Danish company can manufacture it and put it on the market. Kerestély Koppány, who was born in Sepsiszentgyörgy but now lives in Budapest, seized this opportunity and dared to dream big, when he went back to his Székely roots and designed the Székely gate, which has recently become a Hungarian museum, from Lego elements.

He told that he currently has more than three thousand votes, and it is his undisclosed desire to reach five thousand by the end of the year. ( You can click here to vote for the Székelykapa dreamed up from Lego blocks.)

A fan of mountains, streams and pine forests, Koppány paid tribute to them as an admirer of cunning wit when he built his miniature Székely Gate from nearly a thousand cubes, making sure that every element carried a meaning.

He drew inspiration from the decoration and set of motifs of the Székely gates in Máréfalv in Székelyföld, but during the planning and execution he kept in mind to create a Székely gate that everyone can feel as their own.

"I loved Legos as a child, I had several sets. Although at that time I built the sets even more by following the instructions, I also liked to create something new from the already existing blocks. And Lego has created the possibility that Legoing as a hobby is not only enjoyable for children, but also for adults, since you can now buy countless sets consisting of thousands of elements, such as the Titanic or the Ford Mustang," he said . As he likes to create, he suddenly had the idea to design a Székely gate to decorate his bookshelf.

He emphasized that he definitely wanted to be the first to come up with an idea that represents the entire Hungarian culture.

For him, the biggest prize is if he can make Székelykaput, a real heritage of Székely and Hungarians, known worldwide.

According to the rules of Lego Ideas, at least one hundred votes must be received within sixty days after the design has been registered in order for the design to remain on the platform. In the next one year, at least one thousand votes must be collected, five thousand in another six months, and ten thousand votes must be reached in another six months, so that the Székely gate, which can be built from Lego blocks, can be placed on store shelves.

So far, Koppány's plan has achieved two milestones, one day after registration it already reached one hundred votes, and in the following three weeks another thousand voted for the idea.


Photo source: Kerestély Koppány