The first of January is traditionally the feast of the Virgin Mary, the mother of God in the Catholic Church. The Pope declared: the church needs Mary, because through her it can more closely resemble the virgin and mother, and through her it can regain its own feminine image.

The first of January is also the World Day of Peace. In connection with this, Pope Francis said that mothers and women have an indispensable role in combating violence.

“The world must look to mothers and women to find peace, to break out of the spiral of violence and hatred, to see things again with real human eyes and hearts. Every society must welcome the gift that women represent"

Pope Francis said in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

"Each and every woman must be respected, protected and valued in the knowledge that anyone who harms even a single woman is dishonoring God, who is "born of a woman," added the head of the church.


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