Balázs Barsi expressed a firm opinion regarding the Fiducia supplicans resolution issued by the Vatican's Department of Religion at the end of last year, which allows same-sex couples to be blessed in certain "outside liturgical" situations. The Franciscan monk emphasized that he would never bless those living in such a relationship, because it is incompatible with the Holy Scriptures. Balázs Barsi stated that Pope Francis should not have signed the document, however, according to him, the schism had already taken place.

"The resolution of last December strongly emphasizes that marriage can only be established between a man and a woman, and that the church can only bless it in a sacramental way. In addition, he touches on same-sex relationships, which are so forced these days. He allows this to be blessed on request, not liturgically or publicly. However, as a priest, I cannot give a non-liturgical blessing, since I was ordained in the liturgy and I am a liturgist in order to continue the church's worship in public and in private life," said in an interview with the weekly Demokrata in Fiducia supplicans published by the Vatican Department of Religion last December ( in relation to his resolution entitled Begging trust).

I would never, under any circumstances, bless people living in such a relationship, because I have a conscience, and such a blessing is incompatible with Scripture and sacred tradition. No ecclesiastical authority can oblige me to do that

- emphasized the Franciscan monk, who also spoke about the fact that we do not condemn or despise the sinner, that is, the person of divine origin, but we have the duty to condemn his sin, as well as our own sins, praying for him instead of blessing him.

"If you recognize and condemn your own sin, you can even become a saint. But nowadays the church has also become very sensitive, we hear that "who am I to judge?". It is easy to spread false and harmful ideologies with a philosophical background that goes back centuries, at least to the era called the Enlightenment, and has been prepared slowly and with great care, with such strikingly short sayings," explained Balázs Barsi, pointing out that the church never excludes the person, but continuously calls all people to salvation.

The schism has already happened

"But as an institution, it is not open to anyone. Bishop St. Ambrose did not allow Emperor Theodosius to enter the Milan Cathedral because he had murdered seven thousand people before him. He even excommunicated him to repent. He could enter only after a long penance. With this, he served the emperor's salvation," the Franciscan monk pointed out.

Moral laws that serve life arise from our creed, and those who live contrary to these exclude themselves from the church. This is why our enemies are attacking the Catholic Church, the last bastion of the fight against relativism and its resulting sins

Balázs Barsi explained.

When asked whether all of this could lead to a schism , the monk answered no, because

it has already happened, they just don't say it.

"Priests and bishops hold wedding-style séances for couples living in sin. This is not our faith!” Balázs Barsi emphasized, adding that he thinks

Pope Francis should not have signed the resolution.

"Now let's learn again what papal infallibility means. Not this one. But he is the pope who, as a priest and bishop, has done immeasurably much for the faith and the church," said the monk.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Franciscan monk Balázs Barsi (Photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé)