They demonstrated in Budapest for Palestine or freedom of speech. Illegally.

Palestinians living in our country and sympathizers took to the streets on Teve Street in Angyalföld, as the far-left Mérce report shows, including the anarchist Varjú Kollektíva.

Earlier, pro-terrorist demonstrations were banned.

At the beginning of the movement, the organizers stammered in English and Hungarian, reminding them that despite the unsuccessful attempts to organize various demonstrations by those condemning the Israeli military operations, they were always made impossible.

The action did not attract much interest, the video that can be viewed on Mérce's Facebook page was currently viewed by 16 people, including Mérce itself, for the purpose of fundraising.

Some people wrote the following under the embarrassing video:

• "If it weren't for freedom of speech, you wouldn't be stumbling on the ladder right now."

• "But it's pathetic!"

• "Wow, that's embarrassing!"

One of the organizers chanted the rhyme "the police state is weaker than me" three times, and then chanted it the same number of times with the few people present.

At this point in the development, our editorial team has given up on watching the video, but we wish all our dear Readers the best of luck in viewing the entire performance.

You can watch the event again here .