As in previous years, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán this year also greeted the members of the Hungarian communities across the border in a letter on the eve of our national holiday; the letter will be read at many local celebrations.

According to Viktor Orbán, March 15, 1848 occupies a special place in the pages of world history.

"Even from the perspective of 175 years, we remember with admiration this day of immaculate light, when the Hungarian nation won its freedom without bloodshed, in peace and harmony"

- written by.

We, the Hungarians, have proven many times throughout our history that we dare to take up the fight against the enemy's overwhelming force, but at the same time, like other nations, we prefer to live in freedom rather than die for it, said the prime minister.

He added: for decades, we could rightly and sincerely hope that war would no longer ravage the land of Europe. In these terrible times, we therefore need the compass of Hungarian freedom even more, which has guided us through so many periods of crisis in our history.

We desire peace and we are on the side of peace - stated the Prime Minister, who also wrote about it: we treat other nations with respect, but we expect the same respect for Hungarians in Brussels, Washington and Kyiv.

We consider it our moral duty to do everything we can to stop the guns, because this is the only way that can guarantee the safety and prosperity of the Hungarian people in the Carpathian Basin today, Viktor Orbán wrote, concluding his letter:

"Let there be peace, freedom and harmony!"

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