Divorce? How can you survive this? Why did God allow this? What will happen to my children? Do I still have a place in the Church? How do I forgive the "unforgivable"? Can I still be happy?

We look for answers to these questions in the AVE course for single parents organized by the Pannonhalmi Archabbey, the Győr Diocese and the Emmanuel community.

We cordially invite and welcome parents raising their children alone for 3 weekends to the AVE course organized by the Emmanuel community.

Who are we waiting for?

The "AVE course" is three connected, mutually reinforcing weekends for fathers and mothers who are alone for some reason and have not yet processed the pain of loss. So we expect parents who are divorced, living separately or have never been married, who are still struggling with their situation, the wound of being alone is still fresh. (It should not have happened more than 5-6 years ago that their relationship, from which a child was born, suffered a shipwreck.)


Pannonhalma Abbey (9090 Pannonhalma, Vár 1.)


  1. February 24-25
    March 23-24, 2024
    April 20-21, 2024

Application: by clicking here or at www.avelap.hu

Further information [email protected] .

The three weekends together are complete, the application is for the entire series. Participation is free, the Pannonhalmi Abbey does not provide accommodation during the weekends, lunch can be requested at the price of HUF 4,500/weekend upon registration.

What is this weekend series about? On the weekends, we look for answers to the following questions together:

• Why did God allow this?

• How to forgive the "unforgivable"?

• Will I still feel valuable?

• Do I have a place in the Church?

• Is my children's fate sealed?

• How should I raise the children alone?

• How can I fulfill my role as a parent if the children are not with me most of the time?

• What is my responsibility as a parent if they have already flown out?

• How can I live alone, but not lonely?

• Can I still be happy?

The tangible results and fruits:

• Restoration of self-esteem and self-respect: the realization that no matter what happened, we remained God's beloved children, and no one can take away that dignity.

• Improvement of the relationship with the ex-spouse and the other parent: starting and moving forward on the very difficult path of forgiveness. A peaceful relationship with the other parent for the sake of the children.

• Strengthening in the parenting profession: whatever age and wherever our children are, we have a mission - to help their human, spiritual and spiritual development and adulthood.

• Personal relationship with God: even previously "non-practicing religious people" discover how close God is to them, and that Jesus is truly the way, the truth and the life for them.

Source and featured image: pannonhalmifoapatsag.hu