In buffet meals, children can be taught not to waste food.

Seeing the positive experiences of its pilot project, HunGas would make buffet-style school meals general, said Zsolt Páger, the company's business development director.

The free collection project started in the spring of 2023 in 24 schools, after HunGast visited Sweden and gathered experience from the service providers there.

Based on what we have seen abroad, the buffet system can also be operated well in schools, and the initial experiences quickly proved that it can also have a right to exist in the country, and perhaps it could even bring about a real revolution in public catering.

- stated the head of the company, adding that from September, after the initial 5,000 schoolchildren, the pilot project was extended to 12,000 students from 40 institutions.

And HunGast has been evaluating the results ever since and is preparing to serve new schools.

One of the most significant results of the initiative is that the amount of food waste has been reduced by almost half. In buffet meals, children can be taught not to waste food, to always take as much as there is nothing left.

Judging from the feedback, the most successful system is where the teachers help shape attitudes.

This would be very necessary, since 27 percent of the food in public catering in Hungary is waste, i.e. more than 50 thousand tons out of the 200 thousand tons per year

Zsolt Páger emphasized.

Gábor Lackó, head of the Imre Németh Elementary School in Budapest, which is participating in the pilot project, sees the introduction of the buffet system as a new educational opportunity.

In the past, the children received the same portion whether they wanted it or not, compared to this, the buffet not only allows them a free choice, but also develops several of their skills

he added.

In response to MTI's question, HunGast's communications director stated that, based on the inquiries so far, more schools may join the initiative in the next school year, so the number of students receiving buffet meals may double to 24-25 thousand in the next school year.

Csaba Enyedi explained that the experiences in Sweden were not merely copied and assimilated into Hungarian schools, they tried to adapt the foreign model to local customs.

The new serving system was already a great success, the children were happy that there was also the possibility of tasting. All they ask in return is to return their plates empty if possible.