What was the poet thinking? I will never forget this completely meaningless question asked so many times in literature class, although in other cases it is indeed justified. Let's say when an instant savior says something. It is true that he can only have anything to do with poetry in a material sense.

This is Anna Donáth, who is an implacable enemy of her own country - which she has irrefutably proven with her EU actions - and who always knows exactly what is good for us, even if it is bad. Let's say artificial meat, which he would like to feed, because he thinks that it is healthy food. And he is right, at least as much as FeGyőr, that the solar panel is a mini nuclear power plant. If only because, according to research, the production of artificial meat is barely 25 times more polluting than the same amount of natural meat. And of course much more expensive.

So what? Once this is the future, then that's it. They force it down our throats if we like it or not, because it's business. Them. For us, the magical disgust.

But can we be sure of what Anna Donáth thinks when she works? Well no. Because please be humble, this high-priced amazon speaks our elegant mother tongue perfectly, in which the word "work" can mean anything. Who would dare say, for example, that "program" means that it is not a real line? Or does "artist" mean that it is not a real disaster? Although, knowing the work of Ervin Nagy or NoÁr, we cannot be sure of this. Does anyone think that "surgery" has no real stake? But how is it!

Of course, there are other interpretations and connections. If we say that someone - say Anna Donáth - is a fake Hungarian (this term is not often used today, that's why we look at the explanation: someone who presents himself as a Hungarian, a professional, an expert on a subject, but in fact he is not), are we saying that- that his real name is not Májer, but just an assumed name? Hardly.

I don't know Anna Donáth's taste, nor what she feeds her husband. However, we can be sure that your father is a fan of fresh pee meat, he has court documents about it. Does Annuska only want to give other people the dubious beauty of feeding them fake food, or would she be willing to inculcate in her own child such a dubious source of trutymo?

We know the source of the real meat, but do we know how and from what the artificial meat is made? A freak!

Once, an acquaintance of mine - I don't want to discredit him, because he's ultimately a normal, regular guy - agreed to appear in a garbage called a certain show, in a well-rehearsed, pre-composed scene, but he pretended to be spontaneous. I asked, are you normal? Are you letting yourself down with that? When he announced: they paid well for it. Is Anna Donáth also a character in such a show? Do you have the money to promote garbage? Because if you promote it out of conviction (I almost wrote down a nasty word), that is, then you might have eaten some bad food, say artificial meat with artificial cattle disease.

The term "work" basically means that it is not real, not natural. So we understand this too, the very green president of the very green party supports something that is artificial, i.e. not natural.

Of course, it would be a shame to marvel at him, because his entire community is a work. A company that deals with nothing else than supporting causes contrary to the will of the overwhelming majority cannot be real. By smashing the Olympic dream, petting illegal migrants, supporting LGBTQ aberrants and more.

Oh, and in a stylistic fashion, sometimes by destroying construction cordons, sometimes by throwing paint at public buildings, and even by "dropping" smoke bombs among the police. Knowing this, we could even consider it a positive move that their boss is finally not against something, but for it, but thanks, you'd better not do it.

If he really wants it, he can have the artificial meat, we are fine with real hurka, sausage and bacon. Enjoy your meal!

György Tóth Jr


Cover photo: Anna Donáth
Source: Facebook/Anna Donáth