Smart managers try to make decadence, violence, drugs, disobeying the rules, "self-realization" and happy drowning in their own misery part of public taste - Roma expert István Forgács writes in his harsh post regarding the Telex article about a Hungarian rapper.

The Telex wrote that Pogány Induló (Marcell Szirmai, young Hungarian rapper - editor) has arrived.

And that it's cool, brilliant, period, and finally, someone again. No question: Azi (Azahriah, alias Baukó Atilla, young Hungarian singer, YouTuber - editor) is another Hungarian super talent.

Of course, half the world immediately becomes an enthusiastic fan because of how authentic and honest it is, and how real it is.

It is. Sure. The reality.

Spiritual, intellectual and economic decay is being pushed in our faces, in which smart managers try to make decadence, violence, drugs, non-compliance with rules, "self-realization" and happy drowning in one's own misery part of public taste.

Without any responsibility.

While ostracism is rampant in hundreds of schools, abuse of the weak, humiliation of girls, threats to teachers, drug use, and juvenile crimes committed under the influence of drugs have become part of everyday life.

And these are all committed by 14-25-year-old, mostly disadvantaged, very often gypsy children, to whom it is the Barbárfivérek, Pogány Induló, or even Márk Krúbi and Warga (sic) who give them that temper, often incomprehensible rage every day and every hour and a desire to destroy, which in the often really difficult circumstances can lead to unacceptable decisions even more. And which are born on occasion.

Of course, the "performer" only brings us his "art", but what is art in this? The contempt for women, the violent tone, the continuous denial of classical values, the promotion of drugs into everyday life - what is art in this?

Or is it enough that millions of little snotty children listen even beyond Ózd?

And while Telex praises the South Hungarian fake gangster, there is also a court hearing, where the perpetrators of the double murder on Deák Square do not even understand what happened that night.

Where they ruined the lives of half a dozen families on drugs, thinking they were very strong.

You should wake up.

Even at the moment, there are tens of thousands of teenage boys who think they are equally strong and serious people, often reaching for drugs and alcohol, who think that "life is shit, brother, and studying is a bitch". I would. Obviously, this is the easier end of the matter.

The question is, when will someone finally make music about how drugs are bad, school is an opportunity, having children is a responsibility, women should be respected, and the elderly should be respected, huh?

And I might look like my hundred-year-old grandfather. Maybe I am.

But in a week, I will look into the eyes of that 16-year-old boy from Encencs, Gáborján or Porsalma, who believes that only those who fight for everything will survive in today's world. And tough. "Very tough, you understand, brother". And school is useless, there's nothing wrong with drugs, and it will be alright, he's not worried about his future, his family always arranged things. And I will have to try to explain why you see things wrong and how you should take responsibility for yourself, your family and your community. First of all, by not leaving school and getting the profession, which will allow you to start your life in a legal and fair way.

Listen to Ferenc Fanka Kőházy. Indeed.

He has always been light years ahead of all violence preachers.

Featured image: Pogány Induló/Facebook