I'll be brief: it would be good if we finally stopped praising the extraordinary abilities of the Ószöd bösme on the national side, political scientist Tamás Fricz writes in Magyar Nemzet.

It is said constantly, or rather too often, that it is "recognised" what an excellent organizer Gyurcsány is, what a skillful strategist, what a great manager, network builder, how shrewd, how deliberate, that he is building in the long term, he will most certainly lead the left in the following centuries, etc., etc., etc.

Let's not joke about this!

First of all: Gyurcsány's most important characteristic is that he is a dirty political crook who ruined the country between 2004 and 2009. Both politically, economically, and - and this is perhaps the most important for me - morally. This man caused enormous damage to Hungarian democracy, and is still causing enormous damage to Hungarian democracy, because due to some strange whim of fate, he is still here, here among us.

So, if we want to say anything about Gyurcsány, we start with the essence: he is the most harmful politician in the country, who, by the way, is constantly destroying the left-liberal side.

Of course, the latter does not hurt us, but the fact that a decent, national, constructive opposition on the left is impossible to create in this country does. And this is a big problem for Hungarian democracy!

And maybe it's time to be accountable…

So: Gyurcsány's most important quality is not that he is smart, skillful, a good organizer, an excellent leader, a charismatic boss, but that he is a harmful crook, a Cipolla, who does a lot of harm in Hungarian political life. Crooks and unscrupulous political adventurers can of course be talented, but this talent leads to hell - if we don't emphasize this enough and again and again, we mislead the Hungarian public, and especially the young. Which is a very dangerous game.

We don't have to Churchill , who said during the Second World War Hitler , if necessary, he would be willing to say a few good words about the devil ( Stalin at the time).

In my humble opinion, we no longer need to say a few good words about Gyurcsány, in order for him to remain the leader of the left.

I think we can be generous enough to say what we think about Gyurcsány.

Because we want to cleanse Hungarian public life of such infinitely harmful figures.

This is a beautiful, moral, pure intention. No?

Let's believe it: even a emasculated left does not pose a threat to us.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Author: Tamás Fricz, political scientist

(Cover image: Point of View Institute)