The court in Bratislava ruled that the dismissal of the historian of Hungarian origin was invalid.

Mandiner noticed .

Hungarian readers got to know Zsuzsanna Falath, a Slovak historian with Hungarian ancestry, in December 2018, after the young curator of the Bratislava City Museum spoke in an interview with Magyar Hírlap about the false one-sidedness of the Slovak view of history. The curator was later fired from his job in October 2019.

According to Zsuzsanna Falath, there was only one reason for her dismissal, the interview in which she dared to criticize Slovak historiography.

In 2022, the curator and his legal representative, Dávid Nagy, filed two lawsuits against the Bratislava museum, one for labor rights and wrongful dismissal, and the other for discrimination. The purpose of the labor lawsuit is to prove that the dismissal of the young historian was illegal. The museum defended itself by saying that Falath's curatorial position had become redundant due to structural changes, as they needed a new restorer, whose salary, due to the lack of budgetary resources, could only be raised by terminating Falath's curatorial status.

On Thursday, Zsuzsanna Falath's lawyer shared on her social media page

The truth has won! The dismissal of Zsuzsi Falath is also invalid based on the order of the Bratislava District Court!

Dávid Nagy wrote.

Featured image: Zsuzsanna Falath's Facebook page