Arson and explosions were expected.

László Toroczkai told one of the Russian portals that the "Ukrainian terrorists" are demanding an apology from him, but in fact they just misunderstood his position on Transcarpathia.

The representatives of the Mi Hazánk faction have received several death threats from Ukrainian radicals in the past period - the Russian Ria learned this from László Toroczkai.

According to the leader of the faction, the members of the Ukrainian ultras and the Fan at War organization wrote that they would set fire to their office, blow up their car and use other retaliatory means.

The radicals demand that Mi Hazánk apologize to the Ukrainian people for calling for the annexation of Transcarpathia.

Toroczkai stated that the "Ukrainian terrorists" misunderstood his position, since Hungary does not want to occupy Transcarpathia and wants peace as soon as possible.

The politician emphasized that there is no threat to the Ukrainian people, the party's program only includes recognition of the legitimacy of the 1991 Transcarpathian referendum, which declared that the region was granted autonomy within Ukraine.

Cover photo: László Toroczkai, faction leader of Mi Hazánk
Source: MTI/Zoltán Máthé