The minister does not want to oust the multis, but to force them to respect the people here, the consumers, the government, the country.

Construction Minister János Lázár sent a message to Spar at the Portfolio construction industry conference on Thursday. He said the government would not tolerate threats from the chain, which sent messages to the government through the "corrupt Austrian press."

"Now that the Austrian spice connoisseur, Spar, has behaved in this way, I have suggested to the government that we no longer tolerate lying and baseless claims from them, and that we should buy them wholeheartedly," he said.

According to the ministry, the multi should do its job better, then the special tax would not be a problem either.

At the same time, the Minister of Construction and Transport made it clear that he does not want to displace the Austrian company and foreign multinationals in general, but to persuade them to "respect the local people, consumers, the government, the country where they generate enormous extra profits".

"We can also swim against Spar. The company will pay the price for what it has done in the past few days," declared Lázár in his combative speech.

"Our problem is not with capital, but with the multinationals interfering, taking over the country and generating extra profit, which they take out," said the minister, then stated that three major development directions must be followed: the automotive industry, the military industry and the food industry must be vigorously supported.

Management Forum

Cover photo: János Lázár, Minister of Construction and Transport
Source: MTI/Márton Mónus