In an age of danger, security is especially important.

In order to make the Gondosóra program even more effective, the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ), the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office and the Government Service Center Nonprofit Kft. signed a cooperation agreement on Wednesday in Budapest, at the headquarters of the OMSZ.

Zsolt Nyitrai, chief adviser to the Prime Minister, on behalf of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office, emphasized: the care watch saved lives, the mission of the OMSZ is the same.

The two organizations have been helping each other until now, and now the cooperation is becoming official and entering a new phase: "help can arrive even faster with the push of a button", the chief consultant referred to the care watch's slogan.

He explained: the lives of many people depend on the speed and expertise of the ambulances, every second counts here; the Hungarian people are grateful to the almost fifteen thousand employees of the OMSZ.

The government of Hungary is committed to the improvement and development of all levels of patient care, and to improving the working and living conditions of healthcare workers, stated Zsolt Nyitrai.

He recalled that since 2010, a thousand ambulances have been replaced, 107 ambulance stations have been renovated and 41 new ones have been built, and in addition, the most modern rescue technical equipment has been acquired in large quantities.

Cover photo: The National Rescue Service (OMSZ), the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office and the Government Service Center Nonprofit Kft. are cooperating.
Source: Facebook/Zsolt Nyitrai