The forced laborers even attacked people from Krisna in Subcarpathia.

Women are no longer safe in Ukraine - this is what a Transcarpathian woman, who already lives in Hungary but recently had to cross the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, told Tények. He said that several of his loved ones remained in Ukraine, including children, and they had to hide. Today, it has become commonplace for Ukrainian recruiters to forcefully drag away anyone they can - it was said in the M1 Híradó program on Sunday.

"It is not so easy to cross not only for men, but also for women. I traveled out 2-3 weeks ago for various reasons, it wasn't a happy trip, because I was already dragged at the border," said the woman.

"Unfortunately, I also witnessed a man being torn from his partner and forced into a car against his will. From then on, all contact ceased and the lady did not know anything about her partner," he added.

The Ukrainian government is expanding the circle of those who must go to war.

On Saturday, the commando of the additional military command attacked Krishna-conscious believers in Transcarpathia, "according to the new mobilization law, it is no longer possible to refuse military service and the use of weapons due to religious conviction."

If possible, try to avoid queuing. The men risk their lives to escape, for example, by dinghy or swimming on rivers. Not by chance: the fights are getting bloodier. But while those who can flee Ukraine from the fighting, Western politicians are still burning with war fever.

The introduction of the EU conscription is being voiced by more and more officials in Brussels.

The plan was justified by several people on the grounds that, in addition to protecting Europe, it would also reduce the loss of life in Ukraine.

The German Minister of Defense stated at the beginning of May that it was a mistake to suspend conscription in Germany, therefore the armed forces and recruitment must be reorganized. Recently, Manfred Weber, the group leader of the European People's Party, was found to be a supporter of general conscription, from which women would not be exempt.

As early as May 2022, i.e. three months after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, an article entitled "The European Union needs its own army" appeared in the Washington Post. The article is written by an American-German author pair. In their proposal, they write that mandatory military service in the EU would be essential in order to strengthen European self-awareness.

The service - for both men and women - would be 6 or 9 months, which European citizens would have to complete outside their country of origin.

It was already mentioned in the article that the program could be partially supervised by members of the European Parliament.

In other words, the proposal resonates with the German plan, which would now transfer the powers of the member states to Brussels and create a mandatory European conscription.

"There are countries where specific legislative proposals have been made in order to require more people to undertake military service," said Csaba Dömötör, the parliamentary secretary of the Prime Minister's Cabinet, speaking on Kossuth Rádió's Sunday Newspaper program. According to him, the process has already started in several member states, so now to say no to the spread of war.

"Declarations are appearing more and more that they would extend conscription, what is this if not an extension of the war.

We have to put the brakes on now, otherwise we won't be able to do it later, the experience of the 20th century shows that if a large number of countries are already part of a conflict, there is no way out of the world war spiral," he pointed out.

Csaba Dömötör put it this way: the stakes of the European Parliament election are also high because in Brussels they are now gearing up for war to three thousand revolutions, and the European Parliament has a huge role as a sounding board in this.


Cover image: Those who can have been fleeing Ukraine for a long time
Source: YouTube