On July 3rd at 8:30 a.m., the jiu-jitsu coach from Újpest will appear in court on the charge of endangering a minor, the fact that PestiSrácok.hu revealed in a series of fact-finding articles and video reports that he molested dozens of juvenile boys for 20 years and used for years to satisfy his aberrant sexual desires.

One by one, F. Márton's victims were vulnerable young people in some difficult situation, who had no previous sexual experience. There is only one boy who, years later - now a young adult in his twenties - dared to stand up to him: he filed a complaint, and now he will have to face his abuser again, the lawyers - who will want to test the victim's testimony, just so that F. Márton's actions should be judged as mildly as possible - and even with the victim-blamers.

On the evening before the first day of the criminal trial, we invite you to a joint social stand for the victims, for the victims of all pedophile crimes. We tell them that they are not alone, that they should dare to ask for help, because society will not blame them, but will protect them. Come on July 2 at 5 p.m. to the IV.-XV. to the square in front of the District Court (1043 Budapest, Tavasz u. 21.), stand with us for the victims and remember: any one of them could be your child.

Many people know F. Márton well in Újpest and in the combat sports world. They say that it is truly one of the excellences of jiu-jitsu in this country. It's no wonder that children, boys, and teenagers used to hang out in order to go to his gym, sports school, and the Fekete Mamba Sports Association. At first it was just the training sessions, then one or two extremely clever, promising boys were always selected - most often among the 15-year-olds - who became worthy of special attention. They could already go with him to the camps, and they could even go to him for a sports massage in the swimming pool next to the gym.

According to a former training partner, it was a common phenomenon that he surrounded the mothers of these chosen boys with some strange flattering manner and mimed charm. Most of the time, regular compliments and light courtship were enough and the mothers were sufficiently enchanted and paid less attention to the signs. Then, of course, there was an exception. The man is currently living with the mother of one of the victims, after he made a convert in the ranks of the New Testament Church and even renamed his sports school to Sionon Yülekezete es Sportiskola.

According to the mother, forgiveness is the most important thing, so as a quasi-relative, she can even refuse to testify in court.

The tactics were even more complex than that. If we only take the victims we know, we can say:

F. Márton chose boys who had serious problems in the family.

A father who is seriously ill, subjected to long hospital treatment, divorcing parents, financial difficulties and family disputes, or recently divorced, success-oriented parents who are burying themselves in work. The point is that young people who had a gap in the shield did not have a stable family background. In addition, all the boys were not only virgins at the time, but as adults they either had no girlfriends, lacked self-confidence, or had no sexual interest at all. He scouted them, played a loving surrogate father, made them believe that without him they were worthless and could only count on him, and they tolerated him in return.

Both of them spoke to our paper earlier about the self-blame that tormented them, that they wanted to commit suicide, but they didn't dare to face it and couldn't ask for help.

As far as we know, he managed to make his only victim believe that he had homosexual tendencies. Even to this day, this boy's life is not in order, he has no group of friends, no relationship, when he is not working, he sits at home in front of the computer. He still doesn't understand what he experienced as a teenager has to do with all of this.

It would be worth recalling what the boys who opened up after the years said, why they put up with it. They felt that they would not be believed, that they would be blamed, or that they would be left completely on their own, so they would be the losers. So they blamed themselves, not their abuser, and the more their self-image and self-esteem were shattered, the better they became puppets, usable slaves.

F. Márton does not deny sexual acts. He just claims that the boys wanted it too, in fact, they started it. He didn't do anything wrong. And do you know how many, how many still defend themselves with the same? Even though the victim tells in minute detail how she begged and cried not to do it, that she didn't want to, the man didn't even hear it. In a certain reading, this could also be called sexual violence. Yet the criticism of the other side comes:

if he didn't want to, why did he go back next time. Why, only those who really know closely a person who has been broken and vulnerable to such a depth will understand...

F. Márton, if he hadn't been the coach of his victims, could laugh casually at our picture. The age of consent is 14 years - they let it, they were involved, the rest is a private matter. There is a well-known human perpetrator who defends himself with exactly such words, and even attacks those who dare to speak about what is supposedly a completely normal phenomenon in other European countries. Because how could anyone in Paris have dared to claim that the brilliant symbolist poet Paul Verlaine, who seduced 17-year-old Arthur Rimbaud and had sexual relations with him, was a pedophile?

And you know, don't you know, that the horrors of the director of Bicske - which quite rightly caused a huge scandal - would not have had any consequences if he had not been the director of the institution, but rather just a benefactor who helps the unfortunate boys of the institution in one way or another...

According to the words of his former training partners about F. Márton, for 20 years, everyone in his environment knew exactly what he was and what he was doing with teenage boys. But nobody did anything. Maybe that's not why, because legally he couldn't judge whether what he sees or thinks he knows is a crime, or whether his moral standards are just too high. Or it was simply easier to ignore it.

Burdened with all these thoughts and feelings, often under the weight of threats, the victims must, should, take strength from their broken selves, say no, go to the police and file a report, or even just go home and tell the mother or father at home who did not notice all of this for years nothing, that this and that happened, help. Then that parent should, should put aside the self-blame and take their child by the hand and walk into the police station, not caring about the difficulties that will come next. Yes, it should be done because otherwise who knows who will be next? So who will stop these horrors?

They say that F. Márton - even if he is only charged with endangering a minor - could be sentenced to up to seven years in prison. In order to do this, his victims must be even stronger than before. To meet again, to look him in the eye, to say it, to experience it again and not to waver in the midst of the twisted cross-examinations of the lawyers. We want to nurture this strength in them, and not only in the victims of Márton F., but in all victims who were victims of sexual abuse, exploitation, and abuse either as children or as adolescents. We want to tell them that society is on their side, that they can't help what happened to them, and that if they fight, they can always count on help.

You can read more about the topic HERE , HERE , HERE and HERE . Interview with victims HERE and HERE . Akta's report on the case is HERE .

Dear reader! We invite you to a joint, non-political social stand for the victims of sexual crimes committed against children and juveniles, on Tuesday, July 2, at 5 p.m. in the IV.-XV. to the square in front of the District Court. So far, many people have joined us: professional representatives of child protection, colleagues, civil organizations, to whom we thank for their support. We thank Axoúl, the Protected Society Foundation, Hit Rádio, Utlrahang, Hetek, the HVIM Youth Movement and all those who will join us.

Source and featured image: PS