Better late than never. Frici is enlightened! This is almost a miracle for him, since the fall of his reign he has not succeeded even once. And now, twice in a short time!

Frici forgot to clarify when he was questioned in the parliament about whether he thought he got his billions in a fair way. What did he answer? "What is that! Very!" While he should have known that he really wasn't. Enlightenment somehow failed even when it was found out that he lied morning, night and evening, and then went to great lengths to pretend that he was governing and brought governance back from the sz@ with hundreds of tricks.

There was no clarity in him even when he lowered his hood on the peacefully celebrating crowd on October 23, 2006, shot out eyes and killed innocent people.

On the contrary, after his private confession of lies came to light, he called his text a speech of truth.

He didn't show the slightest sign of enlightenment when he governed the country to the brink of bankruptcy and therefore had to resign because he thought he governed well. That is true, of course, only if he wanted to steer the country's ship into the vortex.

The dark curtain fell in front of his eyes even when their alliance failed miserably in the 2022 election, but at least he did not dare to claim that they actually won. Maybe that's when the fog started to lift from his eyes?

Now, after the European Parliament elections, it has already become half clear, because who could bear to moan: we lost. Of course, he immediately added that they would continue in the same way as before, which does not indicate a very smart person. The saying originally from the community called Narcotics Anonymous also applies to this case: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

The last, no less surprising episode of Fricc's enlightenment was that he realized that is not actually a news portal, not independent and not unbiased. As our brother Ferenc wrote:

"In our opinion, the journalist is a dishonest scribbler, and his paper is a dirty paper. This is our opinion. In our opinion, a person who gives something to himself will turn away from such a page in disgust."

Hey! But what happened? After all, until recently, this newspaper was authoritative and independent. According to Fletó, it was. But hey, not only human life is fleeting, but also the glory of, it's enough if they write bad things about Frici. It's true, so far they haven't written anything nasty, so it must have been as if a knife had been cut in the back of the fallen prime minister, to which he also wrote nasty things about and its staff.

In comparison, the sandbox is a meeting place for doctoral students. He started it because he hit back. He is evil because I am not.

I'm afraid that Frici is starting to transfer to Pjotr ​​Vengerszkíj (alias Péter Magyar). If his former supporters and party colleagues advise him to take off his hat, because they finally notice (very late!) that he is doing the same thing, but expects a different result, that even though the latest, many ears won't change anything, then he claps hysterically, only , make fun of me, I'll stay anyway.

And just like Pyotr, if someone writes bad about him, he will be punished, regardless of whether the criticism is from a friendly or hostile organ.

It should be said in his favor that the endless groping manner in which - not surprisingly, it's just a fact - something born against him (I wouldn't call it an article, because only journalists used to commit such a thing), would even turn the calf in the cow.

However, a politician has to put up with this too, of course, only if he really is a politician.

So Pyotr Vengersky's style is contagious and now Fletó seems to be catching the disease. As the gunman said in the witness: you're a bran, don't deny it.

György Tóth Jr

Cover image: Ferenc Gyurcsány
Source: Délmagyarország/Csaba Karnok