The answer to this question is sought in an anonymous poll on a Telegram channel.

A reader drew the attention of the Hungarian Nation to online voting. At the time of writing this article, nearly fourteen thousand people had already voted on whether Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán would receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

In order to know the current state of the vote, you have to vote. According to the first answer option, Viktor Orbán will receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

According to the second, he won't get it because it's not something I would award him for.

While according to the third possible answer, the Hungarian Prime Minister does not work to receive awards and recognition.

We can tell you this much, at the moment of writing the article, it was the third answer option that led by far with the highest result.

As is known, one day after Viktor Orbán took over the presidency of the EU, he already met with the Ukrainian president in Kyiv.

During his visit to Kyiv last Tuesday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán asked Volodymyr Zelensky to consider a time-bound ceasefire.

On Friday, he discussed possible peace terms with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. And today, early Monday, the Hungarian Prime Minister continued his peace mission in Beijing.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
Source: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer