About forty scouts remembered the greats of the past period from Transylvania, the South Region, the Highlands, Venezuela and the motherland at the twenty-ninth meeting of Hungarian old scouts.

Sándor Bánki and Gábor Ugróczky, the commanders of the Central Baden-Powell Old Scout Group No. 100 in Budapest, ensured the real scouting atmosphere of the meeting, which lasted four days from August 6, with the educational presentations, the unforgettable atmosphere of the evening campfires, the beautiful Hungarian notes, the with a trip and the joy of scouting.

We got to know the oldest scout in the person of 92-year-old Sándor Tarnai, but 90-year-old Dr. Mária Ferencz also gave an exciting lecture on a healthy lifestyle, and Fedor Alíz from Venezuela provided comprehensive information on the current situation of scouting abroad.

However, so that the old scouts would not forget their youth, 13-year-old Kinga Horváth-Militicsi came to the meeting with her older sister, Viola, who was a few years older, from Subotica in the southern region, who "brought with them" their father, doctor Szabolcs Horváth-Militicsi, the scout commander of the Bácska district, who with his presentation he handcuffed each student to the chair.

Not only does it keep scouting in the Southern Region alive, but it also regularly organizes trips to the shores of the Adriatic Sea for the young scouts. Many people from the Highlands visit there, but only a few realize how many Hungarian-related memories wink at them from the coastal rocks and the many small islands.

Szabolcs regularly revives these for the Cub Scouts, who are receptive to everything, and gave an impressive presentation about it to the participants of the meeting.

For example, the beautiful Ilona of Árpád-háza, the daughter of our King Béla I, went to Dalmatia to marry the Croatian king Dmitar Zvonimir in the 11th century, and after the king's death, the coast became the property of the Kingdom of Hungary. King Louis the Great's campaigns in Naples in the 1340s, or IV. Béla's escape to the castle of Trogir, where even the Tatars pursued him. Szabolcs Horváth-Militicsi did not miss Póla and Fiume either. The former has been the main naval port and shipbuilding center of the Habsburg Empire since 1859, and the hometown of Deputy Governor István Horthy (1904).

Fiume played a no less important role, where numerous battleships and cruisers were launched at the Ganz Danubius Machine-Wagon- and Shipyard during the Kingdom of Hungary. Among them, the Szent István battleship or the Novara fast cruiser, the flagship of Miklós Horthy, which broke through the Entente sea lock in the Strait of Otranto during the First World War, stood out.

Of course, the scouts from the highlands were not left behind when they could recall the pride of our community. Led by Gabriella Bohus, the five-member representation of old scouts from Rimaszombat and the author of these lines presented the great scouts of the city and the Highlands, the writer Viktor Szombathy, the poet Dezső Győry, the puppeteer Sándor A. Tóth, the painter Jenő Mátrai-Makovits and others, as well as the hundred-year-old Laci Kálmán , who passed away a few days ago, one of the founders of the modern scouting in Rimaszombat.

At the successful event, the souls of the Hungarian scouts from the Carpathian Basin and overseas because of the storms of history came together again for a few days in the hope that in a year they will be able to meet again in good health and say the traditional Good job! they can greet each other with a greeting.

Source and featured image: Lajos Gaál/Ma7.sk