According to the background calculation of the Ministry of National Economy, the minimum wage can increase by 12 percent annually, which would bring the amount closer to half of the average wage. The guaranteed minimum wage would increase at a much lower rate during this time.

At the Permanent Consultation Forum of the Competition Sector and the Government, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) presented its calculation for minimum wages. According to the Portfolio's information, the regular premium, bonus, and one-month special allowance are not included

by 2027, the amount of the minimum wage will reach half of the average gross salary with an annual increase of 12 percent.

According to the specialist portal, the three-year agreement between the parties is considered a novelty.

According to NGM's plans, the minimum wage will be increased at the following rate:

  • – HUF 298,800 gross in 2025,
  • – HUF 334,600 in 2026, while
  • – In 2027, it would be HUF 374,700.

This means that

the current minimum wage of HUF 266,800 gross would be 40 percent higher in three years,

which would reach half of the average gross salary compared to the current 45 percent. At the same time, the guaranteed minimum wage can only be calculated with an increase of 8 percent per year.

Márton Nagy recently said:

We can reach the minimum wage of one thousand euros by 2028.

According to the NGM's calculations, only a 5.4 percent wage increase is necessary from 2027, even if, at the current exchange rate, the gross salary category of 395,000 marks the threshold for domestic earnings.

The regular gross average earnings according to NGM's calculation:

  • – HUF 646,800 in 2025,
  • – HUF 697,200 in 2026,
  • – and in 2027 it would be HUF 749,700,

i.e. from 2024 to 2027, a 25 percent wage increase can be expected for regular salaries.

Source: Portfolio