The humble servant of the will of the Brusselsites is the so-called right-wing, but in fact neoliberal Polish government and its leader, Donald Tusk.

What is happening in Poland now would have been simply unimaginable during the rule of the Law and Justice party (PIS). The Kaczynskis treated the protection of Polish sovereignty and the rejection of illegal migration as important aspects, while Tusk and his government, on the other hand, are slavish executors of the EU globalists' will and take in migrants from Western countries without opposition.

In the period between January 1 and September 15, 545 foreigners were transferred from Germany to Poland, Remix News wrote.

"Poland has not rejected a single foreigner from the German side," Lt. Col. Andrzej Juźwiak, press spokesman for the border guard, wrote to the portal.

The resettlement of migrants from other European countries also increased significantly,

since June, a total of 125 migrants have been relocated to Poland.

Norway sent 66, Austria 11, Estonia 9, the Netherlands 8, Sweden 7, Denmark 5, Iceland 5, Finland 4, Switzerland 3, Belgium 3, Luxembourg 2, France 1 and Malta 1.

This is made possible by readmission agreements between EU countries, which means that these relocations take place with the full knowledge and permission of the Polish government.

"Foreigners from other member states are brought to the territory of Poland on the basis of readmission agreements, to which both the transferring country and Poland are parties," Lt. Col. Juźwiak admitted.

The Tusk government, just like the German foreign minister, is not at all interested in the opinion of the voters about migrants. If you were interested, you wouldn't ignore the opinion poll, the results of which show that Poles, regardless of party affiliation, are not happy about immigrants, and that

they categorically refuse to accept migrants from countries outside of Europe.

This is not the verdict of a minority, but of the 90 percent majority!

According to the survey, Polish people are much more accepting of Ukrainian refugees, but even so, only 40 percent of the respondents are in favor of acceptance.

It is not known where the Polish government wants to accommodate the mass arrival of migrants, because according to the information of the portal, on September 17, there were only 265 free places in all the asylum centers in Poland.

The beautiful new world has also arrived for our Polish brothers.

Source: Mandarin

Cover image: illustration/Pannon TV