The ugly mentality of the left-liberal commentators showed itself again after the news of the death of the Fidesz politician, who died at the age of 57. It's always below…

As we reported, János Árpád Potápi, the State Secretary responsible for national policy at the Prime Minister's Office, died at the age of 57.

János Árpád Potápi passed away

The news was also shared by several left-liberal newspapers, including Telex, and However, Facebook readers were shocked to see that hateful hate had begun on the social pages of anti-government portals.

On the Telex page, the readers did not hold back:

• After one less trash can, so can the rest,

• Be next; Viktor Orbán Balázs Orbán,

• it's terrible that the poor man can't steal anymore. almost sorry

• One less thief.

Just as insulting comments appeared on the page: "Destiny arranged it"... then lots of happy smileys. A reader notes the reason for his happiness:

The first place where Tisza can nominate a representative candidate. (An early election due to cancellation would have been better.)

The Facebook page of was also flooded with filthy commenters, but the editors limited the comments in time and made the very rude outbursts inaccessible. A reader also notes:

I don't understand the commenters.. If someone didn't like it, they should shut up, but don't trash talk a dead person. What kind of abominable mentality is this???

Featured image: János Árpád Potápi's Facebook page

Here is a selection of fancy comments: