“Do we bow to the alien will or resist it? This serious decision now awaits Hungary. Our answer should be as clear and unambiguous as it was in 1956," stressed Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in his celebratory speech on the open-air stage of the Millenáris in Budapest on the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle. 

Viktor Orbán began his celebratory speech by saying that we have gathered today to bow our heads to the heroes of the October 1956 revolution.

"Today's holiday is unusual, because those who protected Hungary from the flood a month ago are also here with us. It was superhuman work"

he said.

He reminded that the disaster claimed 24 lives abroad, and the damages exceeded 10 billion euros. We Hungarians did not lose a single person and the damage was kept to a minimum, he stated.

The Prime Minister put it this way: if danger approaches, if the homeland is in trouble, we must unite.

“This is the law. We are a proud, even stubborn people, we do not tolerate any superiors talking into our lives. But we obey the law of unity, because without unity we have neither security nor freedom"

he said.

He added: without cooperation, foreigners rule over us. "Sooner or later they will be screwed out of everything and could end up as debt slaves. The 1956 revolution was preceded by misfortunes. In January 1956, an earthquake shook the country, and in March, an ice flood flooded the Danube region, killing adults and children. Hundreds of families became homeless and thousands of people were displaced," the Prime Minister listed.

According to Viktor Orbán, this was a warning sign that it is time to prepare for the big times that require cooperation.

"In October 1956, after the Danube, history left its bed," he said

Because flooded history, just like a flooded river, does not retreat for the afternoon and does not retreat for the night either. The river follows its own course, according to its own laws.

"This is when heroes are born. Shoemakers, factory workers, and farmers will become heroes. Accountants, kindergarten teachers and university students become martyrs"

- He told.

"October 1956 inscribed the names of brave Hungarians in gold in the great history book of the nation," stated Viktor Orbán.

The Prime Minister reminded that history left its bed in the fall of 1956 because "Hungary could no longer tolerate Soviet imperial oppression. The Hungarian freedom-loving and freedom-fighting people do not like the zabla. And it's only a matter of time before he breaks out of his harness ," he said.

The Hungarians have never been invaded or tamed by any invader. Soviet imperial oppression crippled us. He robbed, made people destitute, (ruined) the work of generations, but everyone pretends not to see this.

"The writing appeared on the wall (...) "Don't smile, Ilyich! It won't be forever, we didn't become Turks in one hundred and fifty years," said Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, then continued: "Hungarians do not tolerate humiliation, we fought the most brilliant fight for freedom in world history, we taught them for life not to hurt Hungarians!"

"In the next thirty-four years, the communists restrained the Hungarians and went home, so the Hungarians have to be treated with respect! Gloria Victis, glory to the heroes!” he added.

"History is about to leave its bed again, in the coming year history must be kept in its bed, because there is a war next door"

said the prime minister, referring to the war in Ukraine.

Hundreds of thousands have been lost there, the European economy has been shot in the lungs, prices are skyrocketing, the economy is suffering, while money is being poured into Ukraine, investors are migrating to America - listed the Prime Minister, then added: the bloodshed continues and there is a danger that the war will spread.

"We haven't been this close to a world war in the last seventy years"

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared.

It's time to say it, European leaders, Brussels bureaucrats and American democrats have led the West into a hopeless war, said the Prime Minister, and then explained: in the hope of victory, they see the conflict as "the West's war against Russia".

Viktor Orbán 1956

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivers a ceremonial speech at the commemoration of the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle in Budapest, in Millenáris Park on October 23, 2024.
MTI/Koszticsák Solid

The prime minister also spoke about the victory plan presented by Ukrainian President Zelensky, "the essence of which is to expand the war, to immediately invite Ukraine to NATO, to place the war on Russian territory."

Part of the plan is that after victory is achieved on the eastern front, Ukraine undertakes to replace the Americans and guarantee the security of the whole of Europe with its own strengthened army, meaning that we Hungarians would wake up one morning to find that Slavic soldiers from the east are once again stationed in Hungary.

"We don't want this, but the pressure from Brussels is stronger day by day on the country and the government as well. We Hungarians also have to decide what we want, but according to our political opponents, we have to go. For them, the testimony of 1956 is that we have to fight for Ukraine, even in Ukraine," he said.

"For us, the testimony of 1956 is that we must fight for only one thing, Hungary and Hungarian freedom.

We can do the most for Hungary and Hungarian freedom by not participating in other people's wars. We can do the most by not letting our country be turned into a war zone and by preserving the peace and security of Hungary's freedom. Let's not bury our heads in the sand!" said the Prime Minister.

He pointed out, let's face reality, the entire European economy is involved in this war. Millions of families will be ruined if we let this continue. Well, not my friends! he highlighted. An independent Hungarian policy is unacceptable for Brussels.

He said that's why they announced in Brussels that they would get rid of Hungary's national government. They also announced that they want to install a puppet government from Brussels around the country's neck. Here is the old question again, he emphasized. "Will we bow to the foreign will, this time to the will of Brussels, or will we resist it?" he asked the question. This serious decision now awaits Hungary.

He suggested that

our answer should be as clear and unambiguous as it was in 1956.

We will not participate, he stated. We do not want to participate in any kind of imperial competition, we do not believe in ideologies that make the world happy in the year of hostility of others. Whether they come from the East or the West, we want only one thing.

He continued by saying that we Hungarians have already proven a hundred times: we are not afraid if the "current empire" blackmails us. We know they want to force us into war. We know that they want to salt their migrants on us. We know that they want to put our children in the hands of gender activists. We know you have the chosen puppet government.

"We already have the party that they want to plant in our necks. They have the man for it, a real signing type, who is an ideal candidate for the head of a puppet government," said the Prime Minister.

Viktor Orbán emphasized: 1956 was Hungary's freedom struggle against a world empire. As at Nándorfehérvár against the Ottomans, or against Vienna in 1848, so in 1956 against the Soviet troops, David fought against Goliath.

He added: "Whoever is a patriot still fights for Hungarian freedom today. But in 2024, you won't be a patriot if you cut a hole in the middle of the (Hungarian) flag. Throwing a Molotov cocktail doesn't make you a '56 hero."

"It's not the clothes that make the freedom fighter, and it's not the duma that makes the freedom fighter. Only actions matter, and actions speak for themselves"

Viktor Orbán pointed out.

Source: hirado.hu

Photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivers a ceremonial speech at the commemoration of the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle in Budapest, in Millenáris Park on October 23, 2024.
MTI/Koszticsák Solid