Nowadays, when the concept of the "atheist minister" has already been born in the German Protestant churches, but the Catholic Church is also increasingly reducing itself to the level of a homeless shelter, environmental protection agency or public welfare institution, forgetting about God and his transcendent, supernatural world, it is actually a good feeling about such masses , including young people who take Allah seriously and worship him with total devotion.

The God of the Qur'an and the Sunnah is a single, omniscient and omnipotent god, just like Yahweh or the Triune God. “Hear, Israel! The Lord our God is the only Lord!” – we read in the Bible (MTurv 6,4). "Say: He, Allah, is the One, the One," the Holy Qur'an also tells us (112.1). which is full of statements like: “Allah! There is no other god but Him, the Self-Existing Eternal" (K 2,255). There appears to have been only one moment in Muhammad's life when his preaching of the Oneness of Allah wavered: when Satan deceived him. According to al-Tabari, point 1192, in an effort to win over his own tribe, the Quraysh tribe, he said about the goddesses they considered daughters of Allah: al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat: "These are the exalted, high-flying cranes whose intercession is accepted." Despite the members of the tribe swimming in happiness afterwards, Muhammad described this sentence as a "satanic verse". K 53.23 alludes to this: "These are only names with which only your fathers named them. But Allah has not given permission for that.”

We are more closely affected by Islam's view of the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity, according to which we Christians are also "wrong" because we associate other gods with the one Allah. (Cf. K 1.7: in this verse, the statement that Allah "smites them with wrath" applies to the Jews, and the "wanderers" are us, Christians.)

Several times in the Qur'an we come across statements such as: "Allah did not beget and was not begotten" (K 112,1) and: "It is not fitting for God to beget a male child" (K 19,35). It is also striking that Jesus (Isa) never calls Allah his father, but his Lord: "(Jesus says: ) Allah is my Lord and your Lord! You serve him!” (K 19,36) Muhammad misunderstood our faith in the Holy Trinity, thinking that we have the persons of the Holy Trinity: Allah (the heavenly Father), Mary, whom he impregnated, and their common child: Jesus. That is why we read such things in the Qur'an: K 5,116-117: "When Allah said: 'O Jesus, son of Mary! Perhaps you said to the people: Take me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?' - Jesus said: 'Exalt me! How could I say something I have no right to? If I had said it, you would surely know it. You know what is in my soul, but I do not know what is in Your soul. After all, You are the Knower of invisible things! "I only told them what you commanded me: that you serve Allah!" My Lord and your Lords. I was a witness against them while I was among them…'”

Of course, let's be honest, the mystery of the Holy Trinity is easy to misunderstand. It took me a lot of time to figure out what it means in our faith that Jesus Christ is the Son born of the Father. He is the Word, the only Word (Greek: Logos, Latin: Verbum) in which the heavenly Father expressed all his thoughts, will and love... Or: Jesus is the perfect, living image of the Father, who is one and the same with the Father, and yet Someone other than the Father…

Despite the misunderstanding mentioned above, the faith and steadfast devotion that can be read in Allah's signs is impressive. There are Muslim theologians who speak a hundred or more words of honor to the Person of Allah. For now, I am satisfied with three verses of the Koran:

K 59.22-24: He is Allah! Besides whom there is no other god but He. Knower of the hidden and the visible. He is the Compassionate and the Merciful... He is the King, the Holy One, the Giver of Peace, the Security, the Overseer of His creatures, the Mighty, the Almighty, the Majestic. Praise be to Allah! He stands high above the one(s) he/she is associated with. - He is Allah, the Creator, the Creator, the Shaper. He deserves the beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and on earth resounds with His glory. He is the Mighty and the Wise.”

Of course, we Christians also know these beautiful adjectives. But do they live in the soul of the average Christian the way they live in the soul of Muslims ? From the concept of God in Islam, we only know the one who decrees from the beginning and the one who punishes relentlessly. - By the way, the concept of the "predetermining" (predetermining) God is known to both Christianity and Islam. Christianity does not recognize the concept of a God preordained to damnation However, Islam is not alien to Allah, who "makes the believer a believer and the unbeliever an infidel." Q 4.88: “Do you wish to guide those whom Allah has led astray? Whom Allah leads astray, you cannot find a way for him.” But this text can also be interpreted as saying that Allah leads some people astray because of their previous sins...

In any case, we can say that in the Bible there is a certain development from the God of the diesirae (day of wrath) to the God who mourns his barren vineyard and embraces his prodigal son. In the Koran, the development is rather reversed: it moves from the loving Father to the judging Judge. The God who is the betrothed of his people and – since the incarnation of his Son – his brother and friend is alien to Islam. - Finally, one more observation: we rarely find "faithful" among Allah's adjectives. This is because, according to Islam, loyalty and commitment threaten the absolute autonomy and sovereignty of God. Allah cannot be bound to anything even by His own promise…