The political style of today's opposition is based on Jacobin-Bolshevik principles: exclusivity, infallibility, intransigence and hatred.

In this style of politicization, there is no trace of a coherent social and economic policy, or a vision for the future. His only goal is Viktor Orbán . For this political war, according to left-liberal intellectuals living in the West, all means are allowed. Nobel Prize-winning Austrian playwright Elfriede Jelinek German and Austrian artists sent a message: incite a rebellion (the second one) against the Orbán government! Ch. Gati, who lives in America, writes: "Yes, there are opportunities to remove the government - if possible democratically, if not otherwise." The power of hatred was already recognized by the liberal playwright Mihály Kornis "We hate you much more than you hate us." Today, hate is the cohesive force that holds the red, brown, green and blue together.

Public hatred became established in our country with the emergence of the SZDSZ, and then in 2001, Ron Werber took it to a higher level. But by now all moral barriers have been broken , an incredible amount of filth is falling on the right wing and the prime minister. In the autumn of 2013, left-liberal intellectuals virtually lynched the Prime Minister. The unclassified sign O1G appeared at a 2017 demonstration as a community-building symbol! The prime minister is regularly presented in an unfavorable, distorted image. Tímea Szabó - the living caricature of the term dialogue - is constantly and roaringly hurling false accusations at the Prime Minister. Otherwise, a statue of hatred could be modeled on him. But we cannot leave out the crazy outbursts of representatives Ákos Hadházy, Péter Jakab and Ferenc Gyurcsány Most recently, on April 27, 2021, in ATV's "let's talk" program, Ágnes Vadai, called Prime Minister Viktor Orbán a "heartless bastard" My question: how can this vile, hateful, subaltern style be reconciled with the human dignity enthroned by the left-liberals? Where does unbridled hatred lead? György Konrád gives the answer to the latter question "Where the speech of hatred is heard, there is the smell of blood in the air." Well, dear left-liberals, is that the goal?

By the way, hatred is a serious social problem. Quote from Wikipedia: one of the wildest, most harmful driving forces in human life. Hatred is unjust, like all passions, it blinds reason, it sees nothing but the destruction of the object of hatred, and in the last case its complete destruction. A society in which hatred reigns destroys itself... At the same time, it is extremely difficult to get rid of hatred, because, like alcohol and drugs, it causes an altered state of consciousness and is therefore just as addictive, i.e. it causes addiction. Threats of hanging on lampposts, lynching and temporary suspension of the constitution must be taken seriously due to the wild rage fueled by hatred. The latter would also provide spiritual ammunition for lynching, since legality is suspended. The suspension of the constitution is like when in the Middle Ages, after capturing a city, the conquerors were given free loot for three days!

Based on the above, the following must be stated. You left-liberals base all your political expressions and election campaigns on hate, because it “blinds reason” based on the quote above. And this is meanness, a conscious deception of the electorate. the price of electricity, gas and water in the EU is one of the lowest in Hungary does not reach the masses However, every month they receive the bill that includes their savings. Moreover, they will again vote for the political force that will sell the utilities again, and the new owner will adjust the prices to the western level. Another example. At the beginning of May, when the vaccination rate of the population was almost double the EU average, twenty percent of the respondents said that this was not a success (MN May 7). Hate really "blinds reason".

Some historical examples of where hatred leads. Racial hatred for Nazism. Class hatred for Bolshevism. National hatred (chauvinism) for genocide: Hutus-Tutsis, Serbs-Croats-Bosniaks. Religious hatred leads to persecution and mass murder. Muslims-Hindus. Muslims-Christians. Based on all this, I state that whoever is hateful in political life is committing a crime against humanity. It ignites a fire that may lead to a fire.




Pál Bartha ny. forest engineer



Image source: wikipedia