The meaning and purpose of the Hungarian state is that the Hungarian nation survives and the quality of life of the Hungarian people improves - testified Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén, who stated at the online conference of the Friends of Hungary Foundation on Monday that the Hungarian nation can only survive if all parts of the nation survive.

If a part of it were to disappear, for example the Hungarians of the Uplands or Transylvania, the universal Hungarianness would be mutilated, and therefore the survival of the Hungarian nation would become questionable," said the Deputy Prime Minister. He added: "every nation is a unique and unrepeatable value, a specific value economy that only the given nation can give to universal humanity", therefore everything that mutilates the national existence mutilates the universal wealth of values.

He said: internationalism, which seeks to eliminate national existence, and chauvinism, which casts doubt on the right of other nations and nationalities to exist based on the right to life of other nations, are opposed to the concept of the Hungarian nation; the mission of every nation is to preserve and show its own values ​​and heritage.

The Deputy Prime Minister also spoke about the fact that, according to Hungarian national policy, Hungarianness must be strengthened and preserved in its identity, which is why the government supports Hungarians living abroad: a thousand kindergartens were built or renovated in the Carpathian Basin, three thousand churches were renovated and hundreds were built, the they maintain and support public and higher education from kindergarten to university. As part of the Csoma Sándor Kőrösi program, more than a hundred university students are sent to Hungarians abroad to teach Hungarian history and culture to the people living there, and scholarships are given to those living in the diaspora who want to continue their university studies in Hungary.

Zsolt Semjén also reported that more than 1.1 million Hungarians living abroad have already received Hungarian citizenship. This means the common law unification of the nation, which, he said, is the only answer to Trianon. Speaking to Hungarians, the Deputy Prime Minister said: "we count on you, and you can always count on Hungary, the Hungarian government, you can count on us!".

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