What a family! – a book of stories by an American author was published in Hungarian with this title. The volume of the Rainbow Families Foundation was published on Children's Day, and well-known writers and poets are campaigning for it.

the LGBTQ storybook Meseország kekkóké, What a family! published the book by the American author Lawrence Schimel under the title Mandiner.hu wrote The book was translated into Hungarian by T. Anna Szabó, and it seems that the publisher wants to make as much noise as possible about the book, since it has been published for Children's Day. In addition, writers and poets such as György Dragomán, Lajos Parti-Nagy, Krisztián Grecsó or Ádám Nádasdy were asked to promote it on various social platforms.

The publisher's provocative step is also surprising because it has already been proven that LGBTQ propaganda for children exceeds the tolerance of Hungarian society. , the government office has already determined that the publisher is engaging in unfair commercial practices with the book "Fairy Tales for Everyone"

In parallel with the popularization of LGBTQ literature, gay rights organizations accuse more and more classic cartoons, novels, and songs of sexism and demonstrate for their ban.

Source: magyarnemzet.hu

Image source: humenonline.hu