People think that they can trust their fellow countrymen's sense of Hungarianness. In recent years, this certainty has been fading more and more.

For some, it has become fashionable to look so-called European, so that being rooted in the motherland and belonging to a Hungarian family is no longer a factor for quite a few of our compatriots. In the heart of Europe, a Hungarian citizen cannot be anything other than a European, but to those who refuse the primacy of the homeland, at the same time reject the millennial existence of our nation, its striving for independence and all the elements of our historical past that have ensured our existence on our continent until now, we cannot say anything else, in the words of Gyurcsány: "You can go".

Our patriotic battles proved that the great majority of Hungarians believed in the sustaining power of their homeland and were always ready to shed their blood. Tatars, Turks, Austrians, Germans or Russians could have come, but in the end we won. At that time, our conquering enemies played with open cards. They used coercion with the power of their weapons, so they were able to occupy our country from time to time for a long time, causing lamentation. We don't have to deny that we were among the losers on the side of our "allies" during the First and Second World Wars. Serve as our excuse that in these times we were not driven by conquest, but rather by the recovery of our possessions. On the other hand, we can say that we did not participate in the centuries-long colonization by Western countries. We did not reap the benefits of the occupation. We are convinced that the moral obligation of reparation does not fall on us, in fact, as a country occupied by empires, we should also be entitled to financial and moral reparation.

100 years after Trianon have taught us that we cannot chase illusions. It became clear that only the great powers could be the winners of the political and armed battles. We also see that they act without hesitation to satisfy the interests of the imperialists. They are able to violate bilateral or multilateral agreements at any time and anywhere, and gain new and new advantages with lies and the rights of the powerful. Nowadays, the breaking of the relative peace after the two world wars is emerging. Europe became the target of the hunt. Its main actors are the Democrats of the USA and the group of social liberals who want to sell Europe. On one side are those who are eager for a new empire, and on their side are those who betray their people for good money and service statuses. It almost doesn't matter whether the sú chews the tree from the inside or splits it from the outside, the army of country robbers has become unified. The ultra-left and right-wing empire-building army was created, flying the banner of liberal fascism.

Classic democracy and the traditions of the local rule of law are being attacked with volcanic force by the counter-selected politicians who are once again emerging from the dustbin of history and have no control over their egos. They emerge and attack from the established bases of their network's stations. Pseudo-democrats, helped to power by the money tycoons of the USA, hold their government in their hands, pull their president by the ropes, and their chosen new prey is Europe. The party-interested regent bureaucrats infiltrated into the institutional system of the European Union have already turned the institutional hierarchy that had been logically functioning for decades on its head. Even though the Council of Europe makes a decision, proposing the preparation of a law to the European Commission, already during the preparation, the European Parliament, with its majority power, shapes the law to its liking. The heads of state and prime ministers become secondary characters, since they cannot convey the will of their voters, because the sovereignty of the states is overridden by the European Parliament, which practically reduces the principle of popular sovereignty to nothing. On the stage of the EU, the spectators of the three-act drama, the voters of the sovereign countries, with tickets well paid for by their taxes, do not get a say, but what is needed to create the empire. And this is a menu without alternatives.

Our enslavement can still be prevented, we must treat it as a fact that the European Union is not a superstate, but an association of sovereign states. Therefore, based on the concept of general democracy, the foundations of the rule of law are established by the voters of equal countries while preserving their traditions. They voluntarily accept their own rule of law as binding on themselves. The preservation of their basic laws and constitutions can only be imagined with strict adherence to subsidiarity. However, this classic democracy is disputed in an unclear way by the pseudo-democrats of Brussels.

The question is: on what basis can the citizens of an independent state intervene in the rule of law established by respecting the sovereignty of the people? The answer is clear: not from the outside, and if it does, it can only be realized in a way that conflicts with the concept of democracy and serves to establish subjugation based on imperial considerations. Of course, there may also be legislative powers transferred with the approval of the parliaments of the member countries.

The point is that the concept of democracy of the peoples living in the European Union is based on freedom within their borders, on the right to vote, and the party plurality that can be inferred from that. The end result is parliamentary representative democracy, which reflects the local will of the people along the lines of majority decisions and provides the highest degree of democracy.

The institutional system of the European Union cannot annul the decisions of the parliaments created by the will of the people of the individual states without delegated rights. It would be good to acknowledge that the issues of destiny of the European people can be managed and determined by full consensus, not by imperial force. It is indisputable that if decisions are made that reflect the partisan expressions of the European Parliament and are diametrically opposed to the local will of the citizens of the allied states, they represent a wrong path. Without the control of the independent parliaments of the states, it is only possible to make decisions that ignore the will of the local citizens and, in fact, are made without their authority. It is incorrect thinking and management on the part of some countries, especially the great powers, that they do not hold referendums and popular consultations on the fate of their peoples during the period of their government. Separated from their constituents, they make decisions in the "cloud", serving the interests of their oligarchs. The personal responsibility of elected heads of government and heads of state in Europe can never be covered up. They are the ones whose hands and actions are tied to their voters. This is often opposed by the irresponsibility of the representatives of the opposition parties sitting in the parliament, who only put themselves under the control of their own party and follow the instructions from there.

Detached from their constituents and chained to party families in the European Parliament, the representatives can make their will above the states, since their control is out of the hands of heads of government and heads of state who have received the majority of confidence from their own voters. They can lobby in the political market, even for their own pocket. These paid pseudo-representatives become the servants of party ideologies through their actions. Refusing their original mission, they trade individually with the goods of their country, ignoring the democracy of their states, throwing the principle of subsidiarity into silence. This is how we are approaching the creation of the United States of Europe, which is not one iota different from the horrors of the failed Roman, Bolshevik and Nazi empires in history. Moreover, the combined implementation of the practices of the Bolshevik and Nazi, Marxian and Hitlerian views can further increase the atrocities.

Signs of the rash of liberal fascism appeared on the body of Europe. This is the case when the European Union Parliament threatens and influences the European Commission, or, for example, when pseudo-civilian organizations stuffed with bags of money in the guise of NGOs, under the command of György Soros, open the doors of Europe to the illegal Islamic invaders in the spirit of an open society. By supporting illegal immigration, they strive to create a parallel society structure. The cheap labor force, which takes away the livelihood from the youth of our native population, is singled out, while the large families arriving with the occupiers are supported fraudulently from the pockets of working European citizens, from their tax forints, whose livelihood is financed by social assistance.

Make no mistake, all this was not invented by Muslims, but by a narrow alliance of oligarchs who weave imperial dreams. These pseudo-democrats, stewards of their material possessions, expect to be able to manipulate the theses of classical democracy at their whim with the votes of immigrants, relegating the followers of classical democracy to the background. We cannot allow Europe, built by the strength of the indigenous people, which is both our property and our possession, to be taken over by foreign powers.

An unprecedented colonization of an entire continent began. This is such a big bite that we hope it will stick in the throats of the gobblers.

László Csizmadia