The documentary Genocide in Pozsonyligetfalun won the best short documentary award of the Magyar Mozgókép Szemle.

The documentary deals with the camp system located in the Ligetfalu settlement, to which thousands of Hungarian and German residents living in and around Bratislava were dragged and deported en masse from the last weeks of the Second World War. The film was made with the support of the MTVA Hungarian Media Patronage program and produced by Becsengetuk Produkció Kft.

The film was directed by Dávid Géczy and Zoltán Udvardy, and produced by Fruzsina Skrabski.

The internment and concentration camp, which operated between 1945 and 1947, included almost exclusively Hungarian and German civilian residents, from families. In the work, one of the Hungarian survivors of the camp separated for Germans speaks.

The documentary also reveals the story of nearly a hundred Hungarian Levants who were executed in the camp.

It also sheds light on the connection that the Slovak regiment coming from Prague to Bratislava to guard the camp site in Ligetfalu staged a carnage of hundreds of people on the way, in Prerov in Moravia, where they had previously fled from the front to the West from the Highlands, and were now returning home, carrying Hungarian and German families. a train passed.

As we wrote earlier , the film also had "headwinds", as Slovak historians, still unable to face their past, did everything to ban the film.

The film can be viewed here:


Cover image: Excerpt from the film