The Reformed Church is launching a collection for the victims of the ice storm in Baranya, the needy families and the damaged Reformed communities, the Presidium of the Synod of the Hungarian Reformed Church (MRE) told MTI.

Bishop Zoltán Balog , the clergy president of the synod, and János Molnár , the secular president of the synod, they reminded that a devastating ice storm hit several settlements in Baranya County on Friday afternoon; hundreds of residential buildings, as well as churches and parishes, were also seriously damaged, and the homes of many families were threatened. It was announced: the Presidency of the Reformed Church sympathizes with the victims of the storm and, with the help of the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service, is starting an immediate collection for families in need and the Reformed communities that suffered damage.

They elaborated on it: although the damage assessments are still underway, it is already certain that the roof of the Géza Kiss memorial house in Kákic needs to be replaced, the church and parish in Sellye, and the wooden coffered church in Dráivány have been seriously damaged.

It was indicated: church districts and dioceses provide immediate emergency aid to Reformed parishes. In the announcement, they wrote that the charity service helps those in trouble because of the ice storm, regardless of religion, and they ask those who can, to support those in need through the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service.

For those in trouble, financial donations are also expected to the bank account number 10702019-85008898-51100005 of the charity service with the message "ice damage".

They also indicated that the Sellyei Reformed Parish gratefully accepts the tiles left over from construction or renovation, which are used to repair the houses of families in the area and the church buildings.

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(Members of the Research and Rescue Team of the Hungarian Reformed Charities are working in the featured image. MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi)