Hungary, right, must be crucified, brought to its knees, broken into a wheel, quartered, thrown at the stake, for daring to create an anti-pedophile law. Because the pedophile is also human, what can the poor man do if his desires are so sick? Yes, yes, there are victims, children, but still...

One of the main inquisitors of the witch hunt launched against us is Ursula von der Leyen, who has seven children (!!!). but he is not alone, many, many Germans have been dumbed down and turned against our country. The President of the Union would do better if, instead of slandering LGBTQ fighters (pedophiles are one letter among many!) she held accountable in her own country how violence against children could become so widespread and almost epidemic.

Children learn to 'beware of strangers', but a leading expert says you need to think about who the real abusers are. As the prison sentences of four vicious pedophiles found guilty of involvement in the biggest child abuse ring ever uncovered in Germany begin this week, one of the nation's most tireless campaigners has warned that child sex abuse is reaching epidemic proportions. Julia von Weiler , of the German branch of the global NGO Innocence in Danger , says the World Health Organization's estimate that one million German children have suffered sexual violence is far too low.

The problem the authorities have when compiling the numbers is that a large number of abuses remain unreported. A few years ago, “the Mikado study, funded by the federal Department of Family Affairs, found that two-thirds of child abuse survivors never disclose their trauma to anyone. Never. The study also found that only 1% of abuse cases were reported to the police and/or youth services.

"So if we take that 1 percent as a basis, the WHO estimate of 1 million is actually quite a low number." This is the second high-profile pedophile case in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in less than a year, after a man was found guilty last October of sexually abusing his little girl and filming the acts in order to share the video on the Internet. This was followed by another trial in the same state in 2019, in which two men were convicted of more than 450 assaults, mostly rapes, on boys and girls between the ages of three and 14 at a campsite in Lügde over 20 for a year!

Herbert Reul actually watched some of the content these men produced and said, 'Oh my God! It's an epidemic now.''

Maybe the Germans jumped on us on the pretext of the anti-pedophile law so that it wouldn't be better for us? If they don't know what to do with their pedophiles, can't we do anything?

Just wave the rainbow sheets, enthusiastic German activists, and don't worry about the "little thing" that the victims of sexual predators are vulnerable children who are unable to defend themselves. After all, freedoms should not be restricted, in the end we would still offend some good-natured pedophile uncle or aunt.

We waved too: he clenched our fists up and down…

(Source: According to, the Facebook page of World Status)

(Cover image YouTube/Euronews)