It is very sad that the world has gone so far astray. Of course, this is only a small part of the world, they are just very loud, pushing everywhere. Normal people just take it for granted that people already think, maybe they like it, because it's scandalous, because it's exciting, because the street, the bookstore, the TV are full of it... But I ask, why do you have to talk about it so much??

It should simply be listened to, and what is more important, it should be banned, regardless of what the deviant EU's deviant speakers have to say about it! There are natural laws, there is morality, there is normality!

Why should LGBTQ be promoted? So is negative advertising. The parade of the sick must be banned, because it is open pornography, because it is not heroic deeds that people, young people, and children remember, but the criminal behavior they carry out at home, I don't know why...

I don't understand why normal people should be afraid of being labeled as an outcast or a racist?? Yes, we have nothing to do with those who break the command of nature.

Are they really worth it? Don't you have anything to do? Do they have no conscience? Didn't they learn the big rules of life at home, at school?

Are they fighting to adopt a child? By what right? I think this is pedophilia! This is what they feel about our law, that's why they are protesting! There is no such thing in a family, two fathers or two mothers! What does the child feel when his mind is opened, what are his teachers doing in bed?!! Maybe that's why they have to be "sensitized" at a young age??

I have a large family, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren! I have worked with a pediatrician all my life. I will turn 80 this year, God willing.

I would really like to see and understand that our Government is boldly putting a barrier to all LGBTQ expressions without any explanation!

By what right do they display flags announcing abnormality on public buildings? What kind of person thinks this is right as a leader??

Man admires the animal world, the birds that choose a partner for life, feed and protect their young, but what does man do? it mocks the wonder of nature, the perfect creation. It is not true that they are born in such a way that their circumstances lead to the distortion, and then this is picked up by those who benefit from it as well.

There is a man whose son is also disfigured, but isn't that why the father became so ill-tempered? Did he care enough about his son or was he just chasing the money? I think the boy now supports those with the same fate as him, let the world deteriorate!!

Thanks for reading!I wish it wouldn't go completely bad and have a tough core to take care of OUR WORLD!

Sincerely, Jenei Istvánné from Kaposvár

Cover image: Illustration - Pécs Pride Photo: MTI / Szilárd Koszticsák