There is no money, the government takes it. That's why Budapest is rotting, at least that's what the globalist city administration wants to tell the citizens of the capital. However, all of them are in the coffers, because they run on the high wages of the approximately fifty consultants and the populous city administration. By the way, among the veteran politicians of the former Ballib nomenclature, the only one who is no longer alive is not included. Those who are in it, on the other hand, live very well. For example - as PestiSrácok reported - the siren of the Greek sea, MSZP Deputy Mayor Kata Tüttő. The news portal reports the story as follows:

We had to watch the video several times, in which Gergely Karácsony's deputy can be seen emerging from the foam of the sea in a bathing suit on a horse. At first, we thought the somewhat erotic scene was a fake video, maybe some fantasy film, but we had a colleague who was the first to interpret what we saw as a porn parody. Then the reality hit us in the head when enthusiastically announced that "we have never seen anything like this from a politician". We would like to note here that this might not be a problem. To our great regret, the video has since been deleted, but we managed to save a few frames from it.

MSZP's Kata Tüttő felt the urge to show on a vacation on a luxury Greek island: she is even capable of reaching shore from the sea with the help of a horse. So far, no information has been received about whether the horse was as happy about this as the mentioned deputy mayor, but at least we could see that Tüttő can smile. By the way, we are not surprised by this, since such bravado on a luxury vacation really does not give rise to lethargy - in contrast to the unfortunate conditions experienced in Budapest. In any case, Tüttő is not exactly one of the Hungarians living in deep poverty, since his former partner is the left-wing billionaire Tamás Leisztinger , about whom our portal has written several times. Memorable: One of Kata Tüttő's scandalous cases was when it was revealed that the company that had previously invited her to participate won the Lánchíd tender for HUF five billion more expensively. By the way, he did not arrive there on horseback or in a bathing suit.

MSZP politician Kata Tüttő and the protagonist of the Lánchíd tender scandal posted a video about the luxury vacation on her Instagram page - HVG spotted it and published the news under the title "We have never seen anything like this from a politician". Unfortunately, the video was removed from Tüttő's Instagram account in the meantime, but before it was deleted, I managed to save a few frames from it:

image: Instagram

image: Instagram

Tüttő Kata is the siren of the Greek sea

Tüttő may be successful with the horse, but not with the capital

Source: PestiSrácok

On the cover photo: Tüttő already said before the election: Downtown is yours. It's not his, he doesn't care. He prefers to ride in the sea.

(Cover image source: