They started delivering textbooks to schools; the government will take 13 billion forints off the shoulders of Hungarian families by making the publications free of charge, said the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources Bence Rétvári at a press conference held in Üllő, in the warehouse of Könyvtárellátó Nonprofit Kft. (Kello).

Since 2020, the state has taken over grades 1-12. the price of the textbooks of all full-time students attending class , this represents an item in the budget of more than HUF 13 billion. All these costs are assumed by the families, which is therefore a benefit in kind, added Bence Rétvári.

The state secretary thanked Kello for its help in fighting the epidemic, stressing that the organization's cooperation was also necessary in order to get the fever monitors, disinfectants and other necessary equipment to the schools on time.

It was a great security that there is a state supply network that, if necessary, not only arranges the delivery of textbooks, but also helps in the prevention of the epidemic, said Bence Rétvári.

Zsolt Tőczik, the managing director of Kello, spoke about the fact that approximately 500 schools receive textbooks every day, which are delivered to the schools by August 31. He added that 84 percent of the 13.3 million textbooks are state publications.

In addition to Kello's employees, 500 student workers were needed to pack the books and prepare the deliveries, he added.

Source: MTI/Hírek Plusz

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