It's Sunday, and the Olympic flame will soon go out in Tokyo. The excitement of the men's polo bronze medal game is still alive in me (I have the bronze, I have the honor!), but I am already thinking: what have we seen in the last few weeks at the Olympics?

We have seen winners and losers, tears of joy, world records, medal winners... lots and lots of miracles. Did we really see this? No, even more beautiful than these. We saw struggle and respect. Pain and devotion. Resignation and humility.

Alda Magyari/Photo/Feol

Alda Magyari/Photo/Feol

We saw Alda Magyari, the twenty-year-old goalkeeper of our women's polo team, tearfully defending in the last minute!

Luca Kozák and Yanique Thompson Source: Eurosport

Luca Kozák and Yanique Thompson/Source: Eurosport

We saw Luca Kozák topple over the seventh barrier, so his dreams fly away, then the next moment he steps back to help his also fallen opponent - we saw the respect.

The gold medalist female kayakers! Source: NLC

The gold medalist female kayakers/Source: NLC

We heard Tamara Csipes say after the gold medal in the women's kayak four: "... in the last fifty meters all four of us saw blue..." - we saw the fight.

Gábor Hárpataki/Source: National Sport

Gábor Hárspataki/Source: National Sport

We saw how Gábor Hárspataki, our novice karateka, appeared in the semi-finals with a broken ear and crushed ears - we saw the humility.

Whoever saw this saw the truth, the values, the real you - while the dark sea of ​​nothingness tries to swallow our world from all sides. Respect, devotion, humility - this is the man. Thank you, dear Hungarian Olympians!

The Olympics in Tokyo ended, with Hungarian medals and the prestigious 15th place! Go Hungary! Hungarians go for it!

Source: sándáános Szurmai

Featured image: MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi