Transgender presenter, questionnaires, situational games. In recent weeks, it has been revealed that LGBTQ activists have been admitted to several Hungarian schools, who use various methods to sensitize students to gender ideology, reports Origo.

Questionnaire about sexuality

The editors of the school newspaper at the Eötvös József High School in Budapest tried to map the sexual orientation of the students using a questionnaire, Magyar Nemzet wrote in mid-August . According to them, the young people who created the school newspaper Eötvös Diák considered it important to discuss topics affecting sexual minorities within the school walls.

In the questionnaire, they asked about personal things, such as how the students would describe their gender identity, sexual orientation and romantic affections or what difficulties they experienced in relation to their sexuality, how they confessed to their family members and friends that they are attracted to people of the same sex.

Mandatory sensitization session

The Dózsa György High School and Dance Arts High School in Budapest also revealed that LGBTQ propaganda appeared in the institution. A student of the school also reported to Magyar Nemzet that in 2019 he had to participate in an organized LGBTQ awareness session at the institution, of which he sent several pictures to the paper.

In one of the photos, students are introduced to concepts such as asexual, demisexual and allosexual in addition to the conceptual explanations of the letters LGBTQ on the blackboard in the classroom. Moreover, the teacher wrote down the address of the website of the Soros Labrisz Lesbian Association, as well as the organization's customer reception hours.

In order to protect children, the government launched a referendum, but it was attacked by several left-wing parties and a Soros organization, thus proving that it would allow LGBTQ propaganda into kindergartens and schools. So it is clear that the Child Protection Act is needed, and it is important that people express their opinion in the referendum.


The full article can be read on Origo.

Opening image: Blackboard in the classroom at György Dózsa High School and Dance Arts High School. In addition to conceptual explanations of the letters LGBTQ, students are introduced to concepts such as asexual, demisexual and allosexual. Moreover, the teacher wrote down the address of the website of the Soros Labrisz Lesbian Association, as well as the organization's customer reception hours. Photo: Hungarian Nation.