On the occasion of the Jewish New Year, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wished all members of the Hungarian Jewish community a happy and sweet New Year, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister's press chief, said on Monday.

The letter containing the Prime Minister's holiday message was also delivered to the heads of Hungarian Jewish organizations this year, he added.

Viktor Orbán said that according to the order of the created world, darkness is replaced by light, heavy rains are followed by sunshine, and after bitter days there are always sweet ones.

Source: delphipages.live/illustration

Source: delphipages.live/illustration

We are now saying goodbye to a year that certainly gave us a lot of ominous moods and, unfortunately, bitterness, so I trust that the sound of the shofar this year also marks the beginning of a more joyful period.

Source: Origo.hu

Featured image: 24.hu