Everyone should feel the weight of the fact that not being vaccinated is a real threat to life - emphasized Szabolcs Békássy when asked by Magyar Nemzet, indicating that the high number of unvaccinated people could cause a more severe course of the fourth wave of the epidemic.

According to the national collegiate leader of general practitioners, the majority of patients who refuse vaccination are influenced by the reliability of vaccines and the fear of vaccine reactions and complications, and these misconceptions must be dispelled by general practitioners.

Despite the fact that almost everyone in Hungary has a person in their family, friends or acquaintances who has been hospitalized in a serious condition or, God forbid, suffered a fatal outcome in the past year as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, today's to this day, there are those who underestimate the health risk of the pandemic and refuse to take vaccinations.

We know of nearly four hundred thousand people over the age of sixty who have not been vaccinated so far, but proportionally, the number of those refusing vaccination is higher among young people. 

Young people presumably think that their immune system is prepared enough to survive the coronavirus infection easily. On the other hand, we clearly saw that the epidemic is not selective, as people who were completely healthy and did not suffer from any chronic disease also needed hospital treatment.

That is why it is very important that everyone feels the weight of it, not being vaccinated is a real danger to life.

The full article here .