With this title, Károly Bán's article was published in Magyar Hírlap, the essence of which is that there was confusion in the force.

As can be read, according to the comments from the closed Facebook group of Párbeszéd leaders, those responsible for the Gyurcsány show were unable to organize the primary election normally , which is why the IT system stopped.

There was therefore confusion in the force, which was also indicated by the fact that Gergely Karácsony wrote directly that he does not support the change of two-thirds of the legislation with a half-law, because in his opinion, this is disloyal jurisprudence, not the European way, and does not help the change of era.

The Gyurcsány party suffered another blow on Friday. Válasz Online wrote about Judit Ráczné Földi, a member of the DK presidency and the DK candidate for the 1st electoral district of Fejér county, that she lied about having no interest in an offshore company.

Meanwhile, the XXI. Dániel Deák, senior analyst of the Század Intézet, tried to make it clear in his social media post that the Gyurcsánys are whispering propaganda: Dobrev is leading by an astonishing margin in the first round of the prime ministerial candidates. He added that based on his information, the true turnout is twenty-five percent lower than what is being reported, and that the news about Dobrev's leadership is only intended to mobilize voters and collect even more personal data.

Deák believes that the primary election campaign has no real stake, the left-wing parties have already agreed on the most important issues: the common prime minister candidate will be Gergely Karácsony , but they have also already decided on most individual constituencies.

the full article here .