In an unprecedented way, the Szeged municipality did not allow the truck of the "Freedom Drowned in Blood" traveling exhibition, reminiscent of the Gyurcsány terror, to roll into the city. About what happened jr. CÖF spokesperson Zoltán Lomnici reported at an extraordinary press conference.

As we reported yesterday , László Botka and his municipality did not allow the traveling exhibition of the CÖF to appear in Szeged. The spokesperson said that they were notified of the ban at the last moment, on October 7, so it is not worth challenging it, there is no time left.

The Botkás justified the ban decision by saying that "pedestrian traffic would be endangered" for the 20 minutes until the truck containing the exhibition occupied the place where the citizens of Szeged could have viewed it. They claimed that they could not endanger pedestrian traffic, but the argument is primitive if only because the citizens of Szeged indicated that the municipality had no problem with a similar "endangerment" before - when a Ferris wheel was moved to its place.

Zoltán Lomnici Jr. drew attention to the possible political background of the decision, saying that he was wondering what kind of reward the Gyurcsánys expected from the Gyurcsánys for this gesture, although it cannot be ruled out that the ban was carried out at the request of the DK leader, perhaps he was satisfied the existence of the traveling exhibition showing his crimes is explained by the party leader.

The spokesperson of the CÖF also indicated that several municipalities would like to see the banned exhibition, but it is most likely that "Freedom drowned in blood" will be shown again in Budapest on the two missed days.